Seven (7) PhD Scholarships in Behavioural Science, Radboud University, Netherlands (2015)

The Behavioural Science Institute (BSI) Graduate School offers talented Master’s students the opportunity to write a research project proposal and become a PhD candidate in Behavioural Science. Please write a short research proposal about a research topic of your choice that fits in the BSI’s research interests. We encourage multidisciplinary proposals and originality. Proposals must clearly be the applicant’s own work.

The BSI is a multidisciplinary behavioural research institute. Researchers collaborate across the boundaries of psychology, educational science, and communication science. The BSI has seven research programmes covering three major research themes: 1) development and learning; 2) psychopathology, health and well-being; and 3) social processes and communication. Fundamental research as well as applied/translational research is conducted. For more information, please visit our website.

Conditions of employment
- you will be appointed for an initial period of 18 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years;
- as part of the contract, you will participate in teaching for approximately 10% of your work time;
- you will be classified as a PhD student (promovendus) in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO).
- the starting salary is €2,125 per month on a full-time basis, the salary will increase to €2,717 per month in the fourth year;

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Μάρτιος 8, 2015