PhD fellowship in complex systems, fluid and solid mechanics at the Niels Bohr Institute

The position involves basic research in complex systems with a focus on fluid and solid mechanics. A central objective is the derivation and numerical implementation of mesoscale models of deformation in multiphase systems. In particular, the deformation of porous materials caused by the transport of reactive fluids in the pore-space and (re)crystallization processes at the pore interface will be of interest. The successful applicant will be a part of the NanoHeal network (see below) and of the complexity group at the Niels Bohr Institute. The successful applicant will benefit from the experience within in the group on the finite element method, lattice Boltzmann method and phase field models. The complexity group has 40+ members of many nationalities and has several decades of experience with modeling of complex systems including fluid flow, turbulence, dynamical systems, granular materials and pattern formation.


The position will be financed by the European Training Network NanoHeal that started in January 2015. NanoHeal is a joint research and training environment for 15 PhD students at 7 universities and research organizations, with secondments at partner universities and at 5 companies. NanoHeal will take a fundamental approach to developing new cements with innovative composition, microstructure and mechanical properties. The scientific, industrial and societal challenges will be addressed through the following aims:

·        to develop innovative probes and models for nanoscale processes that open novel perspectives in design and control of organo-mineral materials.

·        to measure and improve the strength and durability of 1) new man-madecemented materials such as “green concrete”, speciality cements in construction and oil and gas recovery, and biocompatible implants and 2)natural sedimentary rocks inside reservoirs and as construction materials

·        to educate young interdisciplinary researchers at the intersectoral interface between fundamental science and European industry.

For further information:


We seek a person with strong motivation and the ability to define his/her own research questions within the framework of the NanoHeal Project. The applicant must hold a master degree (or equivalent) within Physics, Chemistry, Geochemistry, Engineering, Materials Science or similar and be comfortable with physics, chemistry and mathematics. The applicant must have excellent written and oral communication skills in English. At the time of recruitment, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. Furthermore, the applicant should be willing to have extended secondments at other NanoHeal partner institutions during the project. The applicants must, at the time of recruitment by the host organisation, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of her/his research career and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree.  


Personal qualities

·        High working capacity

·        Excellent collaborative skills

·        Full command of written and oral English

·        Strong dedication and self-motivation


We offer

·        Competitive salary

·        An excellent training environment

·        Additional training in the European Training Network NanoHeal in cooperation with 6 universities, 1 research organization and 5 industry partners. The applicant will receive a strong interdisciplinary training at the interface between physics, chemistry, materials science and geochemistry. There will be a strong emphasis on transferable skills, team work, writing and exposure to industry.


The purpose of the fellowship is research training, leading to a successful completion of a PhD degree. The fellowship requires admission to the research training programme at the host university, i.e. it is conditional upon admission to the university’s research training programme. An approved plan for the research training must be submitted no later than two months after taking up the position, and the admission approved within three months.

Evaluation of the application

In assessing applications, particular emphasis will be placed upon the academic and personal ability of the applicant to complete the project within the given timeframe and to write a PhD thesis under supervision. Interviews with selected applicants will be arranged. The English translation of regulations pertaining to the conditions of employment for research fellowship positions for the appropriate university should be consulted.

 he application must include

·        Application statements:

·        ½ page about research interests

·        1 page to explain: “Why I am perfect for this position”

·        CV (summarising education, positions and academic work - scientific publications and other relevant activities)

·        Copies of course lists with grades for bachelor and master education.

·        Name and contact details for 2-3 referees (name, relation to applicant, e-mail and telephone number)


The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The deadline for applications is 7 March 2015. Applications received later than this date will not be considered.