Three (3) PhD Scholarships in Computer Science, EIS Research Group, Germany (2015)

The successful candidates will carry out research towards a PhD on one of the following topics: (1) Effectively and efficiently supporting dataset maintainers in semi-automatically cleaning and enriching datasets to make them fit for question answering. (2) Discovering and retrieving datasets of a high quality for QA with a high precision and recall; automating dataset quality assessment. (3) Efficient and precise translation of natural language questions into structured queries against a federated knowledge base.

We offer:
• Two or more academic supervisors from the WDAqua network (the PhD student working on topic (1) will obtain a dual PhD degree with Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne, France)
• A support grant to attend conferences, summer schools, and other events related to your research.
• The possibility to obtain a discounted public transport ticket

• A Master degree in Computer Science or equivalent.
• Not having resided/worked in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years before starting the work (Marie Skłodowska-Curie mobility rule)
• Proficiency in spoken and written English. Proficiency in German is a plus.
• Proficiency in Programming languages like Java/Scala or JavaScript, and modern software engineering methodology.
• Familiarity with Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing, Indexing and Data Analytics is an asset.

Research Fields
Computer science - Other

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Σάββατο, Φεβρουάριος 28, 2015