DEL PhD Studentship 2015/16: Design of an electric motor with integrated charging functions for EVs/HEVs

Queen's University Belfast - School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Postgraduate Studentships
Proposed Project Title: Design of an electric motor with integrated charging functions for EVs/HEVs
Principal Supervisor: Wenping Cao 

Project Description:

Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are the way forward for green transportation and for establishing a low-carbon economy. Currently, they are under extensive development across the world. In terms of motor drive topology, high-performance permanent magnet (PM) motors are advantageous but unsustainable for mass production market such as EVs/HEVs because of the scarcity of rare-earth materials they rely on. In contrast, switched reluctance motors (SRMs) are becoming a mature technology and are considered to have commercial potentials in widespread applications due to their rare earth-free feature and wide-range torque-speed characteristics. In addition, in order to operate EVs/HEVs effectively in urban environment, a large number of charging stations should be built in a similar manner to gas stations for ICE vehicles.

This project will design a SRM using finite element software MagNet and use its stator windings as on-board charging inductors so as to remove a need of building off-board charging stations. Then an improved drivetrain will be built and tested experimentally. Once this project is successful, significant economic benefits can be gained for automotive industry given the ever-increasing number of these vehicles and the reduced infrastructure costs.


  1. Developing an accurate electric drive train model including drive motor, battery bank, converter and source.
  2. Optimising motor design by numerical tools.
  3. Interfacing with charging circuitry.
  4. Prototyping the motor and developing a drive system.
  5. Experimental validation.

Academic Requirements:

A minimum 2.1 honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science or Electrical and Electronic Engineering or relevant degree is required.


This 3 year PhD studentship, potentially funded by the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), commences on 1 October 2015.

Eligibility for both fees and maintenance (£13,863 in 2014/15, 2015/16 TBC) depends on the applicants being either an ordinary UK resident or those EU residents who have lived permanently in the UK for the 3 years immediately preceding the start of the studentship. Non UK residents who hold EU residency may also apply but if successful may receive fees only.

Please note: DEL awards are available for Home and EU candidates only.

Applicants should apply electronically through the Queen’s online application portal at:

Further information available at:

Contact detail

Supervisor Name: Wen ping Cao
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097

QUB Address:
Email: w.cao<στο>
EPIC Cluster

Deadline for submission of applications is 27th February

For further information on Research Area click on link below:
