PhD in ’Room Temperature Fabrication of Perovskite Based Solar Cells’

University of Sheffield - Department of Materials Science and Engineering

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is offering a PhD in ’Room temperature fabrication of perovskite based solar cells’ starting October 2015 supervised by Profs Reaney and Sinclair. This Industrial CASE Award is in collaboration with Dyesol, a UK based solar cell company 

Perovskite based materials offer the possibility of low cost, high efficiency solar cells that could have a major impact on global CO2 emissions and energy security of supply. Processing challenges still remain, so the aim of the project is to develop a low temperature process for the deposition of solar cells based on methyl ammonium lead iodide (MALI). The project will explore a number of deposition techniques, including electrophoretic deposition, screen printing and tape casting. The student will work within the electroceramics group at Sheffield Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) and will utilise space in their recently refurbished ‘state of the art’ laboratories. The student will also be expected to develop deposition technology in a multi-million pound facility, the Mercury Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and to characterise their materials and cells using a combination of advanced electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The student will assess the performance of individual layers within the solar cells using impedance spectroscopy at MSE. PV efficiency will be measured in collaboration with Dyesol, who will also provide expertise in aging issues such as accelerated testing and freeze thaw cycling. 

The Department of Material Science & Engineering in the University of Sheffield, with over £80M in research income over the past decade, has an established reputation for world class research that spans metallurgy, electroceramics, polymer composites, advanced manufacturing, glass technology, biomaterials, nuclear materials and functional materials. As part of the Faculty of Engineering, we contribute to the second largest engineering faculty (by research income) in the UK and have a culture of interdisciplinary research and cross faculty research groups. We are at the forefront of tackling global challenges such as climate change, sustainable energy and healthcare for an ageing population. 

This PhD offers suitable candidates the chance to work in a multi-disciplinary environment, benefit from the university’s Doctoral Development Programme and the opportunity for overseas travel and secondments. 

Candidates who have, or expect to gain, a 2.1 or 1st class honours degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or a relevant aspect of Engineering will be considered. Applicants with a 2.2 degree and a stand-alone master’s degree at the merit or distinction level will also be considered. The project will commence in October 2015 and is for 3.5 years.

Funding for UK students covers home fees and pays the research council standard stipend of £13,863 per annum (2014/15 rates). Dyesol is offering a top up to the stipend of £3.5k p.a.

For more information please contact Prof Ian Reaney i.m.reaney<στο> +44 114 222 5471
