Hellenic Government scholarships to foreign nationals for the academic year 2015-2016 and for the Greek language and civilization 2015 summer seminar

Scholarships are granted by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs to foreign nationals who wish to attend undergraduate or postgraduate studies in our country's Universities or a research in our country's Universities or Research Centres for the academic year 2015-2016, as well as summer seminar in Greek Language and Civilization for the summer of 2015

The scholarships are awarded to citizens of the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Israel, Jordan, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, South Korea, Hungary, Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Czech Republic.

Interested persons should address the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Education of their country of origin which are competent for collecting the applications of candidates for Bilateral Cultural Agreements, selecting the proposed candidates and forwarding the files to our Service.

The proposals made by each country’s competent authorities along with the files of the proposed candidates should arrive to our Service no later than April 30th 2015. However, it is noted that each country shall determine by itself the closing dates for application submission which do not coincide to the final closing date of file consignment to Greece and interested persons should address the services of their own country. All available information regarding the initial submission service abroad can be found to the Ministry's website under scholarships to foreign nationals within the framework of Bilateral Educational Programs

Further details at the attached files: