Doctoral Student (Printed and Organic Electronics)

Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is an active scientific community of 2,000 employees and more than 10,000 students. The University operates in the form of a foundation and has a long-standing tradition of collaboration with other research institutions and business life. Many of the fields of research and study represented at the University play a key role in addressing global challenges. Internationality is an inherent part of all the University’s activities. Welcome to join us at TUT!

Doctoral Student (Printed and Organic Electronics)

The Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering covers a wide range of research topics and education in the field of electronics. The Laboratory for Future Electronics (LFE) within the department focuses on materials and processes for future electronics. Recently we began an ambitious project aiming to develop the technology to enable a printed Internet of Everything, which will bring IEEE Fellow Prof. Paul Berger to TUT as a Finland Distinguished Professor.

Job description:

The Finland Distinguished Professor Program (FiDiPro) research project “Printed, energy Autonomous UniversaL platform for multifunctional wireless sensors and devices (PAUL)” is funded by The Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES). The part of the project that will be the focus of this position is the development of hybrid flexible organic/inorganic devices and circuits for wireless communication. The successful candidate will be working with the project team, Prof. Berger and other members of the LFE and focus on fabrication and characterization of devices incorporating organic/inorganic materials, including tunnel diodes and field effect transistors, and should also develop circuit models and concepts. The work will involve fabrication techniques such as solution coating, printing, vacuum evaporation and atomic layer deposition, characterization of materials and devices and integration of devices into circuits. Research results obtained during the project will be published through appropriate scientific channels with the intention to target high impact journals.


The successful candidate should have a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline such as electronics/electronic engineering or physics and should have a solid foundation in semiconductor device physics. Experience in organic and printed electronic, fabrication technologies such as printing, coating, ALD or nano-imprint lithography, and circuit design and modelling would be a significant advantage. Excellent English skills are a requirement, as the working language of LFE and the project is English.

The successful candidate must have the competence and motivation to pursue postgraduate studies and complete a doctoral degree in accordance with the research plan.


The salary will be based on both the job demands and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the University Salary System. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of a Doctoral Student is placed on the job demands levels 1-4. In addition, employees receive performance based salary. The expected salary bracket will be approximately 2200 – 3000 €/month.

Trial period:

Trial period of four (4) months applies.


The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of nine months commencing on 1 April 2015 or as mutually agreed. The position may be extended by mutual agreement.

For more information, please contact:

For more information, please contact Professor Paul Berger, tel. +358 50 300 6064, or Professor Donald Lupo, tel. +358 40 849 0565, email

For general information about PhD studies at TUT please refer to:

How to apply:

Applications must be submitted by TUT online application form. Closing date for applications is 16 February 2015 (at 24.00 EET / 22.00 UTC/GMT). Applications and attachments must be written in English.

All applications must be enclosed with the following:

  • CV (including list of publications)
  • description of research interests.

Applicants who are not currently TUT students must also include the following:

  • certificate of Master’s degree (including official translation to English if certificate is not in English or Finnish)
  • certificate of Bachelor’s degree (including official translation to English if certificate is not in English or Finnish)
  • certificate of language test IELTS/TOEFL/CAE/CPE/PTE A (if applicant’s native language is other than Finnish or English).

Additional information on attachments to applications.