PostDoc position – User-validated accessibility standards for multimodal wearables: Google Glass for VIPs

Job description

This one-year project aims at developing and validating accessibility standards for a new generation of wearable ICT devices, such as Glass. Qualitative studies with persons with visual impairments as participants will form the basis for usability and accessibility problem identification, formulation of design patterns (solutions) and draft standards (generalization and valorisation). The proposed study focuses on wayfinding tasks, to be performed with a range of navigation applications and systems. Wayfinding requires the combination of different types of information, which can be presented in verbal, visual, graphical, and spatial modes. The derived standards and guidelines will be presented to standards bodies as the W3C.


Candidates should have a PhD in Human/Media interaction, new media communication, usability and human factors research, or related areas. Proven experience in conducting qualitative studies with users, preferably users with sensory impairments, is a pre-requisite. Experience with qualitative data analysis and development of standards is a recommendation. Candidates must have excellent communication skills in Dutch and demonstrate fluency in writing (academic) English.

Information and application

For more information you can contact dr. T.M. van der Geest, email: t.m.vandergeest<στο> or phone : +31534896132.

To apply for this position, please fill in the application form including your resume, list of publications and (contact details of) two references through the application link below before March 1, 2015.

Working conditions

We offer a challenging position in an inspiring environment. The internationally oriented Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies is renowned for its excellent research and has been evaluated accordingly. You will be appointed in a full-time position for a period of two years (38 hours a week), The salary depends on your experience and will be in the range of € 2476,- to € 3908,- per month in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. The University of Twente offers additional attractive employment conditions.