PhD Student in Environmental Chemistry / Exposure Science

The Safety & Environmental Technology Group at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences seeks a

PhD Student in Environmental Chemistry / Exposure Science

Description: We seek a highly motivated PhD student for a challenging research project, which is part of the recently granted Horizon 2020 project EuroMix. EuroMix aims to develop a tiered strategy for the risk assessment of mixtures of chemicals originating from multiple sources.
A risk assessment needs to be based on an exposure assessment. The subproject covered by our group therefore is to develop approaches to model human exposure to mixtures. Since the number of mixtures to which we are exposed during everyday life is infinite, key mixtures will have to be identified. For these key mixtures aggregate and cumulative exposure assessments will be conducted and compared to toxicity assessments for the same mixtures. The project is of high societal relevance, because to date mixtures cannot be adequately addressed by regulation.
The work will consist of gaining a broad overview on chemicals that are relevant for human exposure, employing statistical tools for identifying relevant mixtures and setting up a modelling procedure. The applicant will closely collaborate with the partner institutions in the sub pillar “exposure”, situated in France, the UK, Slovenia and a number of other European countries.

Profile: The successful applicant will possess a degree in chemistry, environmental or chemical engineering, environmental sciences, or a related field with a first-class academic record. Good command of the English language (orally and written) is essential. The applicant should have interests in computer modelling and environmental chemistry. Project will start around April/May 2015.

Work Environment: Our group, the Safety & Environmental Technology Group at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences of ETH Zurich provides a stimulating multi-national work environment. The group is an internationally recognized leader in modelling consumer exposure to chemical pollutants, and is dedicated to developing tools that support sustainable chemistry. We have excellent computing facilities and collaborative links to world leading experimental fate and exposure groups.

Contact Address:For more detailed information please see our website at and Environmental Technology group of Prof. Konrad Hungerbühler) or contact Dr. Natalie von Goetz (Phone +41-44-632 0975, email:

Online applications with cover letter, curriculum vitae, references and grades should be sent online with attention to: ETH Zurich, Mr. Hans-Peter Freitag, Human Resources, CH-8093 Zürich.