DEL PhD Studentship 2015/16: Metamaterial Assisted High Efficiency Millimetre-Wave Oscillators

Queen's University Belfast - School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Postgraduate Studentships
Proposed Project Title: Metamaterial Assisted High Efficiency Millimetre-Wave Oscillators
Principal Supervisor: Dr Alexey Shitvov andProf. Vince Fusco

Project Description:

Transistor oscillators and VCO’s constitute the core component of modern millimetre-wave communication transceivers and imagers. Frequency stability, high efficiency and low phase noise are the key, often mutually opposing, metrics in the oscillator design. In the millimetre-wave region, power efficiency of oscillators is poor due to the fundamental transistor and passive component physical constraints. Moreover, oscillator characterisation, control and design for high efficiency and high-power become exceedingly difficult with conventional oscillator topologies.

This project will focus on the development of an efficient modelling, design workflow and a technology for high efficiency high-power transistor millimeter wave oscillators. Left-handed transmission-line metamaterial tank resonators have recently been reported to provide significant improvement to the oscillator performance, owing to their higher quality factors and engineered dispersion characteristics. Metamaterial assisted millimetre-wave oscillators exhibit lower phase noise, improved tuneability and non-commensurable dual-band performance. The work will be carried out to develop a novel theoretical approach and technology for some basic configurations: a high efficiency high power fixed frequency oscillator, a dual-band VCO and possibly a synthesized millimetre-wave source comprised of a reference VCO and a PLL. The oscillator technology developed through this project will further facilitate the design of integrated millimetre-wave MIMO transceivers and imagers.


  • Review of the metametarial assisted microwave oscillator designs
  • Design workflow for high efficiency high power mmW transistor oscillators with left-handed resonator load
  • Assessment and control of the oscillator phase noise
  • Prototype fabrication and characterisation

Academic Requirements:

A minimum 2.1 honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science or Electrical and Electronic Engineering or relevant degree is required.


This 3 year PhD studentship, potentially funded by the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL), commences on 1 October 2015.

Eligibility for both fees and maintenance (£13,863 in 2014/15, 2015/16 TBC) depends on the applicants being either an ordinary UK resident or those EU residents who have lived permanently in the UK for the 3 years immediately preceding the start of the studentship. Non UK residents who hold EU residency may also apply but if successful may receive fees only.

Please note: DEL awards are available for Home and EU candidates only.

Applicants should apply electronically through the Queen’s online application portal at:

Further information available at:

Contact detail

Supervisor Name: Dr Alexey Shitvov,
Tel: +44 (0)28 9097 1778
QUB Address: ECIT Institute
Email: a.shitvov<στο>
Queen’s Road, BT3 9DT, Belfast

Deadline for submission of applications is 27th February 2015

For further information on Research Area click on link below:
