Fifteen (15) PhD Positions in Algal Research & Biotechnology, Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK (2015)

If you want to undertake doctoral research and training as part of an international and highly inter-disciplinary team, combining a unique and ambitious theoretical, field, hands-on training and research, then ALFF is the programme for you.

ALFF: The ALgal microbiome - Friends or Foes

Algal aquaculture is developing exponentially worldwide, with multiple applications in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Current research in algal biotechnology mostly focuses on metabolite discovery, aquaculture yield improvement and engineering bottle-necks. However, agronomical experience shows that controlling the interaction of land crops with mutualistic or pathogenic microbes is critical to successful production. Likewise, controlling the microbial flora associated with algae (the 'algal microbiome') is emerging as the biggest biological challenge for their increased usage. Bacteria can control the morphogenesis of algae, while others are indispensable to algal survival. Pathogens are causing devastating diseases, the impact of which worsens with the intensification of aquaculture practices. ALFF aims to achieve a scientific step-change in our understanding of algal-microbial interactions, whilst also leading to the development of superior mass algal cultivation and biocontrol strategies.

Scientific excellence, creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation

ALFF is funded under the prestigious EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) programme and is specifically designed to train students in research and algal biotechnology. We offer highly interdisciplinary and international training for 15 PhD students throughout the EU, with a highly competitive salary and close contacts with the industry, government agencies and leading laboratories. In addition to conducting research, students will be enrolled on an extensive programme of short courses, conferences and secondments at other institutions. ALFF also encompasses an ambitious outreach and public engagement programme, in collaboration with highly renowned institutions such as the Flanders Marine Institute and the United Nations University.

ALFF combines multidisciplinary research-based projects, each with a focus on either pathogens, mutualistic symbionts, endosymbiotic microorganisms (the "endophycosphere"), biofilms or bioinformatics.

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Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Μάρτιος 1, 2015