Open positions for 2 PhD researchers, ERC Starting Grant ANISOGEL

Get your PhD at DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials (Germany) – RWTH Aachen University, in the framework of an ECR Starting Grant Project ‘ANISOGEL’ In vivo gelation of anisotropic hydrogels for spinal cord regeneration, which is led by Dr. Laura De Laporte.


The candidates should have an excellent school record in the field of natural sciences or engineering, be highly motivated, and a hard worker. The project involves the development of new biohybrid materials for the purpose of spinal cord regeneration. Therefore, an interest in biomaterial fabrication techniques, polymers, and cell culture is a must. The contract will have a duration of 3 years and is expected to start between March 2015 and July 2015.
The candidates should send their application by e-mail to with the following subject: ERC ANISOGEL PhD Application (family name of the applicant). The following documentation should be attached:
- A curriculum vitae and Transcripts
- A one-page description of your motivation to apply for this PhD position and your previous research results

Within ANISOGEL, we would especially like to encourage the careers of women, and therefore look forward to applications from female candidates. In case of equal applicability, competence, and technical qualification, women will be favoured, as long as they are underrepresented within the unit of organisation and as long as there are no predominating reasons to choose a rival applicant. Applications from handicapped candidates who meet the qualifications are explicitly encouraged.

Nr of positions available : 2

Research Fields

Engineering - Biomaterial engineering
Chemistry - Applied chemistry
Biological sciences - Biological engineering
Medical sciences

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


English, parental leave, 26 vacation days

Comment/web site for additional job details


Required Languages
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldMedical sciences
Degree FieldBiological sciences
Degree FieldChemistry
Degree FieldEngineering
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent

Application e-mail

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline
