PhD position - Exploring Use Patterns Based on Real-life Data Analytics


As a partner in an international consortium of three academic and nine industrial partners, the Cyber-Physical Systems Research group has acquired EU funding for the H2020 FALCON project. Taking advantage of the upswing of ubiquitous technologies and anytime connectedness, FALCON aims to extend the lifespan of product-service combinations and optimise the use of resources along their lifecycle.

Inputs from networked sensors in products and from web-community feedback carry useful knowledge for manufacturers on how product-service combinations are used. The objective is to do research and develop/implement/validate a set of methods and tools for simulating and forecasting product/service/user behaviour to expedite upgrades and new designs that anticipate real-life use patterns. Application cases will be established based on a business scenario to be developed with Philips Healthcare and scenarios provided by other consortium partners.

To submit an application, please click the "APPLY" button.


Applicants should have a Master’s degree in a relevant engineering discipline, e.g. industrial design engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering or industrial engineering, and be able to demonstrate excellent research skills (e.g. through a high-quality MSc dissertation). Candidates should have experience and/or interest in the following areas: simulation/forecasting, scenario development, algorithm development, smart systems. We seek a team player, capable of handling large-scale multidisciplinary collaboration. Applicants should also have good computational skills and a high-level proficiency in English (writing, reading, speaking). 


The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering is world-leading in design education and research, integrating design knowledge about people, technology and business into solutions that are desirable, feasible and viable. The Faculty consists of 25 full Professors, 120 faculty members, 120 PhD students and about 2000 Bachelor and Master students. At IDE we believe that by creating insights into people and society, and by developing foresights on how technology can improve our future, we enable designers to be inspirational yet realistic leaders that can move the needle towards a better future. 

The Department of Design Engineering aims at exploring and disseminating new research knowledge to the international scientific community as well as to its educational programmes at the bachelor, master and PhD levels.

The focus is on incorporating new developments in materials and materials processing with hardware, software and cyberware technologies into products and services. Integration of expertise domains such as Emerging Materials, Advanced Mechatronics, Internet of Things, Cyber-physical Systems and Digital Manufacturing with Sustainability and Circular Economy considerations raises complexities that are addressed with regards to both systems and processes.    

The Cyber-Physical System Design section has a tradition of doing research in the field of technology transformation and system development. The current research portfolio includes knowledge exploration and synthesis for component/platform-based design/realisation, and personalisation and socialisation of cyber-physical systems. The research has both a foundational (supporting theories and methodology) and an operative (prototyping and testing) character. The section has an extensive international network, organises a leading engineering symposium, nurtures a large number of promotion research projects, and contributes to educational programmes at the bachelor, master and PhD levels.

Reference number: ATIO 0692