Honor Frost Foundation Masters and/or Doctoral Awards in Maritime Archaeology at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Southampton

University of Southampton

Applications are invited for a fully-funded studentship from the Honor Frost Foundation. The Foundation's mission is to promote the advancement and research, including publication, of maritime archaeology with particular focus on the eastern Mediterranean. The Foundation is keen to support educational opportunities for students from the primary regions where Honor worked and is supporting a scholarship in Maritime Archaeology for students from Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria to attend the University of Southampton in September 2015. 


The scholarship is primarily for study at MA/MSc level with the possibility of further funding for PhD, but may also be offered at PhD level if there are suitable candidates. This award is only available to students from Cyprus, Lebanon and Syria.  

Students will be registered at the University of Southampton and supervised by experts in the field of Maritime Archaeology.

Entry requirements:

The successful candidate must demonstrate a genuine interest in maritime archaeology and be keen to develop the subject in their home country upon their return.

The MA Scholarship requires: a good 2:1 honours degree (or equivalent) in either archaeology or related discipline. You must be a citizen of Cyprus, Lebanon or Syria.

The MA scholarship is tenable for one year, commencing September 2015, at an annual stipend of £9,000 with an additional travel fund of £1000, which can be drawn as required during your study. Tuition fees will also be paid directly to the University at the appropriate fee. There may also be the opportunity to continue to MPhil/PhD, fully funded, for a further 3 years on completion of the MA/MSc.

The PhD scholarship requires: a good 2:1 honours degree (or equivalent) and a Masters in either archaeology or a related discipline. You must be a citizen of Cyprus, Lebanon or Syria.

The PhD scholarship is tenable for a maximum of three years, commencing September 2015, at an annual stipend of £11,000 with an additional travel fund of £1000 per annum, which can be drawn as required during your tenure. Tuition fees will also be paid directly to the University at the appropriate fee rate.  

For further details contact: Dr Lucy Blue lkb<στο>soton.ac.uk L.Blue<στο>soton.ac.uk 

Application for this studentship is by CV; a sample of written work (4,000 words, max); and a personal statement of up to 800 words explaining why you feel you are suitable for the MA or PhD scholarship. Please also arrange for two academic references to be sent independently by the deadline. All material should be sent to pgafh<στο>soton.ac.uk . Please note all candidates will also need to apply to the University of Southampton through the normal application procedure in order to be eligible for the studentship. As part of the doctoral application procedure a 1,500 word research proposal is also required.

Our English language entry requirement is a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 for MA and PhD. Should you be offered an award, we may require you to attend a pre-sessional English language course and/or English language support classes during the award period. The costs of this may be included in the studentship.

We may invite you for interview, which will take place by telephone/Skype or in person on 21st/22ndMay 2015 (tbc).
