PhD position in Nanomembrane technology

ACIB – the Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology – is one of the leading research centres in the field of industrial biotechnology. ACIB is dedicated to joint research at the industrial-academic interface. Seven Austrian Universities and more than 25 leading industry partners are working together within the ACIB research program.

Starting with March 2015, ACIB offers in Vienna a

PhD position in

Nanomembrane technology

Project description

Nanomembranes are very attractive for a variety of applications including separation technologies, biomedical applications, biocatalysis, chemical synthesis, bioenergy, and energy. An isolated polymeric nanomembrane with pores of a controlled size between 10 and 100 nm, which are larger than the thickness of the membrane, has been developed in a previous project. The objectives of this work are to adapt and further develop the established nanomembranes by running and monitoring electrical coupling of the regeneration of the transport mediated by Adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP), the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer. Transport enzymes shall be immobilized on the nanomembranes to induce active transport.

Your profile

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in biochemical engineering, materials science or a related field.
  • Basic experimental skills in biochemical methods or membrane technology
  • Background in chemical engineering and bioprocessing
  • Excellent skills in spoken and written English
  • Interpersonal skills conductive to team work and group research efforts Travel abroad for training purposes is expected

Application deadline: 28.2.2015

Please send your application in pdf format to jobs<στο> indicating the reference number 02_2015 in the subject of the email.

Further information may be obtained from alois.jungbauer<στο>

ACIB is dedicated to a well balanced gender ratio. Therefore this job advertisement addresses qualified male and female persons equally. ACIB is not part of any collective agreement under Austrian law. It is intended to offer a minimum yearly gross payment of EUR 28.681,94 for the PhD position advertised. Payment is depending on qualification and professional experiences.