PhD position in Parallel Checking and Prediction

Job description

In the Formal Methods and Tools (FMT) research group, formal techniques and tools are developed and used as a means to support the development of software. This includes the development of formal theories of concurrency, design methodologies for distributed systems, and correctness assessment using verification or validation techniques. The group is also concerned with the development of traditional tools such as compilers and interpreters. In both research and courses much attention is paid to the applicability of formal methods.

The FMT group is part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at the University of Twente.

The 3TU.BSR project Big Software on the Run ( seeks several PhD and Postdoc positions. Millions of lines of code – written in different languages by different people at different times and operating on a variety of platforms – drive the systems performing key processes in our society. The resulting software needs to evolve and can no longer be controlled a priori as is illustrated by a range of software problems. The 3TU.BSR research program will develop novel techniques and tools to analyse software systems in vivo – making it possible to visualize behaviour, create models, check conformance, predict problems and recommend corrective actions.

Based on the models discovered by online observations (Track 1), the goal of this research project is to develop scalable technology for predicting future system behaviour (Track 3). Assuming that the  system’s components will behave similar to the process models learnt so far, (quantitative) model checking  techniques will be applied to explore possible runs and interactions of the integrated system. In order to support online recommendations (Track 4), the model checking results should be available nearly instantaneously. This calls for parallel, scalable algorithms that will be run on local and national cloud infrastructure.

The project will run for a period of four years and is supported by the three Dutch technical universities (Eindhoven University of Technology, TU Delft, and University of Twente). It was initiated by 3TU.NIRICT, the Netherlands Institute for Research on ICT, which comprises all ICT research of the three universities of technology in the Netherlands.


We are looking for candidates that meet the following requirements:

  • a solid background in Computer Science, Data Science, or Software Science (demonstrated by a relevant Master);
  • good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing;
  • candidates from non-Dutch or non-English speaking countries should be prepared to prove their English language skills;
  • candidates are expected to realize research ideas in terms of prototype software, so software development skills are needed;
  • familiarity with parallel algorithms and parallel programming and good knowledge of formal methods is an advantage.

Note that we are looking for candidates that really want to make a difference and like to work on things that have a high practical relevance while having the ambition to compete at an international scientific level (i.e., present at top conferences and in top journals).

To apply for the position you should follow the link at the bottom of this vacancy description. Your application should consist of:

  • a cover letter (maximum 1 page A4), emphasizing your specific interest, qualifications and motivations to apply for this position;
  • a full Curriculum Vitae, including a list of all courses attended and grades obtained;
  • a short description (maximum 1 page A4) of your MSc research;
  • contact details of at least two referees who worked closely with you;

Applications should be submitted before Saturday March 7, 2015.

Working conditions

We offer you a an interesting research position in a dynamic and international environment. You will also be given the opportunity to extend your knowledge in relevant areas through internal and external courses. You will be appointed for a period of four years. The salary starts at € 2.125,00 gross per month and grows to € 2.717,00 gross per month in the fourth year.

Additionally, the University of Twente provides a holiday allowance (amounts to 8%), an end-of-year bonus (amounts to 8.3%) and a number of additional benefits.

For more information about this position see or contact Marieke Huisman (