Postdoctoral Researcher, Thule Institute

Thule Institute at University of Oulu announces a Postdoctoral Researcher position

This position is available in the research project ‘Indexing transitions in ice-sheet decay in the Eurasian Arctic marine and land record’, funded by the Academy of Finland. The research objectives in this project are in advancing the understanding of processes and dynamics behind Eurasian Arctic climatic and cryospheric evolution. This research aims to produce indexed sedimentological and geochemical information on the transition between two natural environmental extremes; glacial and interglacial. One particular aim in this study is to understand those dramatic and relatively fast events occurring during the decay of ice sheet that cause major hydrological changes in drainage basins and oceans.

Post description

Postdoctoral Researcher position is available to researcher in geosciences and with knowledge on sedimentology and geochemical research methods to do analytical work on selected sediment cores and samples in order to reconstruct during this project indexed knowledge of two glacial-interglacial transitions related to the decays of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Melting of continental ice sheets during these transitions generate characteristic detritus release to drainage system and later dispersed by to oceanic circulation. Sediment composition, geochemical and isotope proxies of this detritus discharge include characteristic provenance signals and can form a base for a reconstruction of above indexed knowledge.


This call is to find a motivated researcher to work within a research team in an interdisciplinary framework of sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, paleoceanography. For Postdoctoral Researcher position we are looking for candidates with a PhD degree in geology or related geoscientific or geochemical fields. We appreciate good knowledge on sediments, geochemical analytical skills and capability to write scientific publications and to team work. The sediment geochemical research in this Postdoctoral Researcher position will be conducted in collaboration between the Thule Institute and the Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu, Finland. Both these are modern, dynamic and well-equipped workplaces. We are well-established within the areas of sedimentology, paleoceanography, mineralogy, geochemistry and tectonics.

The Thule Institute is a research centre, which focuses on the multidisciplinary research and doctoral training in the fields of environmental, northern and Arctic issues and natural resources. The Thule Institute is known in the international Arctic and Polar arenas and organizations.

Terms of employment

The starting date for the Postdoctoral Researcher position is March 2015 at earliest and will be filled full time for 2 years. The starting date can be negotiated but expected to be in spring 2015. The salary for the Postdoctoral Researcher will be based on the job demand level 5 of the salary system for teaching and research staff in use in Finnish universities. In addition, on the basis of personal work performance up to 46.3% of the job demands level can be paid. In practice, the overall salary range can be from being 3200 ‐ 3700 € per month depending on the appointee’s qualification and experience.


In your application, please provide the following information:

  • A brief description of your research interests and how they tie up with the research theme of the above mentioned project

Add the following appendices to your application:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • A list of publications
  • Letters of recommendation or email addresses of two senior academics willing to provide more information

Send your application and the appendices using the electronic application form by 23 February 2015

Additional information

Prof. Kari Strand, +358 294 483556, Thule Institute (, University of Oulu, kari.strand<στο>