Eleven (11) Research Fellowships, University of Tampere, FInland (2015)

The University of Tampere declares openeleven (11) new one- or two-year fixed-term RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS starting on 1 August 2015. Six (6) of the fellowships focus on the study of society and five (5) on the study of health, one of which particularly on respiratory diseases.

This application round does not include Category I Fellowships (professori/Professorial Fellow). Fellows in Category II (yliopistotutkija/Senior Research Fellow) must have completed a doctoral degree and conducted research actively after that. Fellows in Category III (tutkijatohtori/Postdoctoral Research Fellow) must have completed a doctoral degree in the year 2011 or after. The fellowships are meant for researchers who are currently working at the University of Tampere, or for foreign researchers who are interested in developing cooperation with researchers working at the University of Tampere. The selection criteria to be used are the applicant’s academic merits demonstrated by his/her application documents, with emphasis on internationality.

The appointed Fellows are expected to work and take part in the joint activities at the premises of the University of Tampere (at the Institute for Advanced Social Research or Kauppi Campus), and live in Finland during their research period. The Fellows are also expected to participate in the postgraduate education of their field (5% of total working hours). Former Collegium Fellows can be appointed if at the beginning of the new research period five (5) years have passed since the end of the previous research period.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Φεβρουάριος 27, 2015