Four (4) PhD Positions in Sustainable logistics, University of Groningen, Netherlands (2015)

The four positions are part of two large research projects in which the PhD candidates will work together with companies, permanent staff and a number of post-docs. The positions are funded by the NWO programme Sustainable Logistics: The PhD candidates will work in the Department of Operations, one of Europe’s largest research groups in Operations. The department offers a high level research environment along the whole range of Operations, both with respect to content and methodology. The positions are available in the following two projects (for more information, see our website:

1. Enhancing resilience while maintaining efficiency: planning and human decision-making for the unpredictable (1 PhD Position)
2. Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms (3 PhD positions)

Each of the projects combines theoretical challenges with societal relevance, creating high impact research opportunities for excellent young researchers with diverse backgrounds.

The aim of SOM’s PhD programme is to turn out highly qualified, independent researchers. The PhD programme is part of the research institute SOM with six excellent research programmes. All PhD candidates are supervised by at least two fellows of SOM. Depending on the background of the candidates, the educational part of the programme will be filled in with a combination of methods, profile and content-related courses.

We are aiming at bringing together candidates with different backgrounds to address the topic from different perspectives. Candidates with a background in quantitative methods (e.g. Operations Research), empirical methods (e.g. qualitative case studies and surveys), or other (e.g. simulation and experiments) are equally welcome to apply.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 16, 2015