PhD Positions in Economics & Business, University of Groningen, Netherlands (2015)

The aim of SOM’s PhD programme is to turn out highly qualified researchers. For this purpose, SOM offers PhD positions to excellent candidates who recently graduated. The PhD programme takes three years and leads to a PhD degree. These three years are primarily spent on writing research papers for the PhD thesis and on participation in international conferences, workshops, and seminars.
The PhD programme is embedded in the research institute SOM with six excellent research programmes:
1. Economics, Econometrics & Finance
2. Global Economics & Management
3. Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour (HRM&OB)
4. Innovation & Organization
5. Marketing
6. Operations Management & Operations Research

All PhD candidates are supervised by at least two supervisors who are fellow of SOM.
PhD candidates are expected to contribute to teaching for 15% of their time.

The successful candidate is ambitious, highly motivated and wishes to make a career in research. He or she has a thorough training in research skills, speaks and writes fluently English and has obtained excellent results in the master phase.

Candidates should:
• have a Research Master degree or equivalent* in Economics or Business. Applicants with other research master degrees could be taken into account if sufficiently related to our research programmes.
• be fluent in English (written and spoken).
*Equivalent means that, in addition to holding a regular master degree, applicants can prove that they have sufficient research related experience and knowledge. Examples of such equivalence include: an Mphil degree from a well-reputed university; having obtained a second regular master degree from a well-reputed university; or have completed a research-oriented Honours programme with a minimum of 30 EC.

Further details:

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Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 16, 2015