Researcher position in Fiber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5G delivery

A three year position is available within the Optoelectronics and Laser Technology Group, part of the EU Marie Curie FIWIN5G ITN (FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery Initial Training Network). The objective is to develop, in terms of both carrier frequency and bandwidth, optically supported wireless links for short-haul wireless links to compete with core optical fibre speeds moving towards 400Gbit/s, developing the next generation of systems and components.
Candidates must hold a degree that enables them to be enrolled in a PhD program. 
At the time of recruitment by the host organization, must be in the first four years of their research careers AND must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organization for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.


The main objective is to develop photonic integrated circuits to generate millimeter-wave carrier frequency for ultra-broadband wireless links based on the optical heterodyne technique, using fully monolithic mode-locked laser structures with phase tuning sections. The results that are expected are On-chip data modulation and optical filtering schemes that combined with the mode-locked laser produce a tunable source with the phase noise characteristics of a mode locked laser that can generate carrier waves in bands allocated to wireless communications, 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Engineering - Communication engineering

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


Successful candidates will be paid according to EU standards for Early Stage Researchers (about 38,000 € gross salary/annum plus mobility and family allowances if eligible). 
The fellowship is offered for a period of three years.

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline


Application e-mail