PhD Student at the Department “Process Systems Engineering”

The Department “Process Systems Engineering” (Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher) at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamic of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany is inviting applications as

PhD Student

Payment follows TVöD (Salary Class 75% E14)


The position is to be filled as soon as possible, limited to three years with the possibility of extension.

The advertised position is embedded into the joint research project MaxSynBio, sponsored by the Max Planck Society, and by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). The overall objective of MaxSynBio is the synthesis of artificial biosystems from functional modules by means of a bottom-up approach of Synthetic Biology, which will potentially enable biotechnological applications and generate knowledge of fundamental nature. The interdisciplinary joint research project involves 9 Max Planck Institutes in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering sciences as well as one chair in the field of humanities at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Scope of Duties:

  • Reconstitution and characterization of functional biomolecules into artificial membranes and cell-mimicking compartments

Further information is available on:


Suitable candidates hold a Diploma degree or a Master degree in the natural sciences, preferentially in chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry, physics, biology, or in the engineering sciences. Marks should be clearly above average. Experience in reconstitution and characterization of membrane proteins such as redox enzymes in artificial membranes (lipid vesicles, planar lipid membranes, etc.) as well as experience in enzymatic catalysis will be considered as a strong asset. Furthermore, experience in electrochemistry and electrochemical characterization methods will be beneficial. The tasks require a high level of experimental skills and creativity as well as consolidated physical-chemical knowledge. The willingness to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment is expected.

The Max Planck Society seeks to increase the proportion of employed women in those areas where they are underrepresented and explicitly encourages women to apply for this position. The Max Planck Society also seeks to employ more severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons are explicitly encouraged.

Please, send your application documents, including curriculum vitae and references, by e-mail (preferred) or through post until 25 Februar, 2015 at the latest to the following address:

Max Planck Institute for Dynamic of Complex Technical Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Sundmacher
Attn.: Jeannette Helbing
Sandtorstraße 1, D-39106 Magdeburg, Germany
E-mail: helbing<στο> 

Please send your E-Mail application with the subject „MaxSynBio PhD application Ref. 2015-AP“.