PhD Position – Cognitive Security for the Internet of Things

The objective of the proposed PhD thesis is to define an autonomous security system for the Internet of Things (IoT), including both intrusion detection mechanisms and security adaptation. This system will be designed based on a cognitive model, characterized by the detection, planning, implementation and learning steps.

After an initial study of the main attack patterns, the external interfaces of the overall detection / response system will be defined. These interfaces allow for both the centralized management of the entire system and the two-way interaction of the latter with the elements to be monitored / configured. The underlying mechanisms and internal interfaces of the system will in turn be defined, focusing on how system components behave and interact. The aim will be to design a practically deployable architecture, adapted to the constraints and capabilities of the different elements that make up the IoT topology, as well as to the possible dynamicity of these parameters, and the characteristics of radio technologies and communication protocols (eg, intermittence). The relevance of the designed algorithms, protocols and interfaces will be validated through modeling and software simulation, and through the development of a prototype. This prototype will illustrate the effectiveness of the solution in securing IoT architectures for industrial applications as well as its evolutivity, making it capable to deal with the almost exponential increase of the amount of nodes constituting the IoT.

This position is open until it is filled.

Department: Département Intelligence Ambiante et Systèmes Interactifs (LIST)
Laboratory: Laboratoire Systèmes Communiquants
Start Date: 01-10-2015
ECA Code: SL-DRT-15-0791
Contact: alexis.olivereau<στο>