PhD Studentship: An ovarian cancer model on a chip (Home/EU Students Only)

Queen Mary, University of London - Institute of Bioengineering. School of Engineering and Materials Science and Barts Cancer Institute

Cancers are complex “rogue organs” involving many different cell types (malignant, immune, mesenchymal) that interact with each other as well as their surrounding matrix. The non-malignant cells of the tumour microenvironment are recruited and corrupted by malignant cells to help all stages of the cancer development. In addition, the vasculature plays an important role in these processes. While mouse cancer models are important in understanding the TME, the best genetically engineered models are time consuming and expensive to generate, may not reflect the genetic variations seen in metastases of human cancer, and are not suitable for testing biological therapies that only act on human cells (e.g. therapeutic antibodies). More complex in vitro human models of cancer development and metastasis would be particularly important to replace or reduce the use of current animal models and improve the accuracy of drug efficacy testing.

The aim of this project is to develop a microfluidic system for a complex 3D model of ovarian cancer metastases. To do so, we will combine a microfluidic approach and cell laden peptide-based artificial extra-cellular matrix to generate “vascularised” tumours in vitro. These will be designed to allow the perfusion of the tumour models with growth factors and immune cells to mimic the role of the vasculature in human high-grade serous ovarian cancer. The microfluidic approach also offers the possibility of systematic drug testing in well-defined conditions mimicking systemic delivery. The successful candidate will develop skills in microfabrication, peptide-based hydrogel preparation and characterisation (electron microscopy, mechanical testing) and cancer biology (primary cell culture, immuno-staining, microscopy, western blotting, PCR). This project will be integrated with other projects in our groups and the Institute of Bioengineering, focusing on biomaterials science and cancer biology and it is anticipated that the student will develop multidisciplinary skills, in collaboration with other members of the Institute.

Our research groups have a strong track-record in the field of biomaterials science: their design and synthesis, but also use to interrogate processes occurring at the cell-material interface (see Biomaterials 2010, 2012, Nature Materials 2012, Nature Cell Biology 2010 and Integrative Biology 2013). The successful candidate will join our multidisciplinary team and build a strong expertise in the fields of biomaterials chemistry, biophysical characterisation of cell/tissue-biomaterials interfaces and bio-engineering. Applicants must have (or be about to obtain) a good Honours degree (minimum 2(i) honours or equivalent) in Biomedical Sciences or Bioengineering.


Dr Julien Gautrot and Prof. Frances Balkwill
Institute of Bioengineering. School of Engineering and Materials Science and Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL).

• Full Time research degree programme only
• Applicants will be required to start the degree programme in September/October 2015.
• The studentship arrangement will cover Home/EU tuition fees and provide an annual stipend of £15,863 for up to three years.
• The minimum requirement for this studentship opportunity is a good Honours degree (minimum 2(i) honours or equivalent) or MSc/MRes in a relevant discipline.

Please Note: The funding is only available to Home/EU Applicants.

(See: for details)

Please contact Dr Julien Gautrot (j.gautrot<στο> or Prof. Frances Balkwill (bci-ciadmin<στο> for further details and application.

Application Method:

To be considered for this studentship, please apply for entry to the PhD Medical Engineering - Semester 1 start (between Sept - Dec) via the following webpage:

Further Guidance

Please include a reference to ‘2015 SEMS-BCI JEG-FB’ to associate your application with this studentship opportunity.

Deadline for Applications: 27/02/2015
