Optimization of backend and networking for data access in a cloud infrastructure for scientific computing

The INFN-Torino computing centre hosts a private Cloud infrastructure of about 1300 computing cores and 1.6 PB of storage, managed with the OpenNebula cloud controller, which provides IaaS services to different scientific computing applications. Backend and networking optimization for data access is of great importance to efficiently support I/O-intensive application. The present project is aimed at a reassessment and a redesign of the Torino networking infrastructure with several goals: optimize data access and backend storage performance; provide proper security levels; design for interoperability between local Virtual Networks and the ones managed e.g. by OpenStack Neutron, in view of the inclusion of the site in larger federated infrastructure; explore the use of SDN technologies for the Virtual Network infrastructure.

Research Fields


Other costs


Eligibility criteria

The call (n. rep. 141), the requirements and how to apply are available at the following address: www.serviziweb.unito.it/albo_ateneo/

Selection process

qualifications and interview (in Turin) - Dates and venues of the interviews are published on the website of the University of Turin at the official notice board (https://www.serviziweb.unito.it/albo_ateneo/) by the date of the deadline

Programme Description
Number of awards per year1
Eligible destination country/ies for fellowsItaly
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residenceAll
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/iesAll
Website of Fellowship Programmehttps://www.serviziweb.unito.it/albo_ateneo/
Fellowship's Details
Career StageEarly stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate)
Research ProfilesNot defined
Employment contract with full social securityyes
Total amount per fellowship per year19367
Covers salaryyes
Covers travel and subsistenceyes
Covers research costsyes
Maximum duration of fellowship12

Application deadline
