Antenna Designer

As Antenna Designer you steer the selection of integrated antenna solutions for wireless demonstrators including antenna type, technology and integration method.


Imec is doing research on the implementation challenges of new standards in advanced silicon technologies. Current mobile communications research programs are in the area of reconfigurable radios, mm-wave communications and reconfigurable digital modems. Next to these topics many analog circuit design challenges are tackled at imec: in the field of innovative MEMS components, imagers, optical communications,... 
Job description:
As Antenna Designer you steer the selection of integrated antenna solutions for wireless demonstrators including antenna type, technology and integration method. Your fascination for the possibilities of high-frequency systems, drive your contribution to all levels of the design process and dedication to obtain state-of-the-art results. 
As part of a multidisciplinary expert team your main tasks will include: 
- Participation in the definition, selection, design and implementation of active integrated antennas and wireless demonstrators for mm-wave communication, sensing and reconfigurable radio.
- Test and validation of antenna designs and demonstrators in our laboratory.
- Collaboration with specialists from other teams.
- Support of external partners that use our technology.

You have a Master of Science or a PhD degree in Electronics.
You have at least five years of high-frequency design experience for integrated wireless systems including antennas.
Excellent knowledge of electromagnetic design tools (HFSS, CST, ADS, microwave office etc.) is a must. 
Knowledge of chip assembly and packaging technologies and experience in an industrial context are a plus. 
You are eager to take initiatives and have good oral and written communication skills. 
The international character of imec requires that you are able to express yourself fluently in English.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Technology - Electrical technology

Career Stage

Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc) 

Research Profiles

Established Researcher (R3) 


We offer you a challenging position in an advanced high-tech environment, in an international team. This is your opportunity to contribute to technologies that will have an impact on tomorrow’s society.
We offer you an attractive salary added with competitive extra-legal benefits such as an interesting life insurance, hospitalization insurance and long-term disability insurance. Imec takes on the full cost of these insurances. On top of that you receive meal vouchers for each working day. Furthermore, imec offers various training possibilities and social services, such as a company restaurant, ironing service, the possibility of day care nearby, holiday daycare and discounts in different sport clubs and shops. To decrease our ecological footprint 100% of the transport by train is reimbursed by imec.

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Application website

Application Deadline
