PhD Position – Control and motion planning of an autonomous forklift truck in shared environment with humans

This thesis is part of an applied research project to automate a forklift vehicle for the efficient supply of an assembly line, while ensuring the safety of people and goods.

The objective is to share the workspace between mobile robot(s) and human(s) by providing an efficient and secure motion planning and control of movements of a forklift mobile robot moving autonomously at high dynamics with the presence of static obstacles (walls, shelves, storage boxes …) and dynamic obstacles such as humans and other robots.

So, a controller with the following architecture: Perception, Representation, Decision and Control, will be proposed based on a topological semantics representation of the environment. It is therefore about the definition of a “”qualitative/quantitative”” semantic based on dynamic models of the vehicle and the environment, including people. From these models, it will be possible to increase security and achieve higher speeds.

This position is open until it is filled.

Department: Département Intelligence Ambiante et Systèmes Interactifs (LIST)
Laboratory: Laboratoire de Robotique Interactive
Start Date: 01-09-2015
ECA Code: SL-DRT-15-0770
Contact: eric.lucet<στο>