Cryo-electron Microscopy Research Specialist

We are looking for a staff cryo-EM research specialist in the Ban laboratory at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics of the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) as of February 1st, 2015, or upon agreement.

Cryo-electron Microscopy Research Specialist

The research will be conducted in an excellent scientific environment investigating structure and function of large cellular assemblies and having access to state-of-the-art equipment. We are currently using transmission electron microscopes including a FEI Morgagni, FEI Tecnai F20 and a FEI Titan Krios (with Falcon II detector) within the ScopeM microscopy center of the ETH. The research specialist will work closely with PhD students and postdocs of the Ban laboratory to support their research projects under the supervision of senior scientists.

Responsibilities include preparing negative stain samples and cryo-EM grids, data collection on basic and advanced electron microscopes, help with initial data processing and some support for standard single particle structure calculations. The successful candidate is expected to have a Master’s degree in life science, chemistry, or engineering with some practice in using transmission electron microscopes or several years of experiences in the field of cryo-transmission electron microscopy and image processing. Experience with an FEI Tecnai microscope is a plus. Qualifications include practical skills with computers and networks. The candidate should be able to communicate in English and should be motivated to learn new technologies.

For further information please contact Prof. Nenad Ban, tel. +41 44 633 27 85, or e-mail, (no applications), and visit our website

Please send the application online (button Apply now below) with a cover letter, a full CV and a list of reference addresses to: ETH Zurich, Human Resources, Mr. Michael Wobmann, CH-8092 Zurich.