Independent Research Group - Systems Biology


The Center for Systems Biology in Dresden is a joint initiative of the MPI-PKS (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) and the MPI-CBG (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics). The core of the center is focused on computational biology and theoretical biophysics primarily directed towards questions within cell and developmental biology in tight synchrony and interaction with the various experimental groups of the MPI-CBG.

We are looking for strong candidates who would like to apply for third party funds in order to set up an Independent Research Group at our Center for Systems Biology at Dresden (CSBD).

The new research groups will be housed in the new CSBD building currently being built alongside the main building of the MPI-CBG. For further information, please see,, and

To submit your application for this position, please click on the "Apply through website" button. 

Applications should contain:

  • a motivation letter by the applicant,  
  • a CV and publication list,
  • a description of past and future research activities,
  • funding history to date.

Women are particularly welcome as candidates. The same applies to disabled people. Dual career applications will be considered.


Candidates are expected to have an outstanding international research track record in one or several of the research fields that are relevant to the mission of the center, which are: computational biology, biophysics, computational science, applied mathematics, bioinformatics, genomics and image analysis.

To be considered, candidates must:

  • satisfy the eligibility criteria of junior group funding programs,
  • have received their PhD in a computational or theoretically oriented discipline not too long ago,
  • have published significant research papers recently, 
  • plan to set up a primarily theoretical research group with a wet lab requirement of at most one bench in a shared laboratory.

If a candidate is successful, i.e. selected by the CSBD after an interview process, then they can apply to independent research group funding programs with the mentoring and full support of the MPI-CBG & MPI-PKS.

Disciplines: BioinformaticsSystems BiologyComputer ScienceMathematicsBiophysics