Traineeships at the European Commission - Translation traineeships

The Commission organises twice a year in-service training periods lasting five months for university graduates who wish to gain in-house professional translation experience. This does not exclude those who -in the framework of lifelong learning - have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

Those seleced are assigned to a translation unit comprising translators of the same mother tongue. Trainees do the same work as their staff colleagues, translating into their mother tongue or main language from at least two Community languages. Their work is revised by experienced senior staff. Some trainees are assigned to the language library or to the terminology unit or other support unit in the translation service.

Trainees are in principle selected amongst nationals of the Member States of the European Communities and of the candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy. However a limited number of nationals of non-member countries may be accepted.

In order to apply you must:

-have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by closing date for applications;
-not have completed a traineeship in another European Union institution or body;
-be able to translate into your mother tongue from two of the Community’s official languages;
-have a very good knowledge of English or French or German;
-have a very good knowledge of a second Community language
-if you are a National of an EU Member State, have a very good knowledge of a third Community language
-if you are a National of a Third Country, have a very good knowledge of a third language;
-be able to translate into your mother tongue or main language from two Community languages

Trainees receive a grant of EUR 1,000 per month, and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance are also provided. Disabled trainees may receive a supplement to their grant.

The traineeships usually run from 1 March and 1 October, but they may start on other dates at the discretion of the translation service.

To submit your application, you must:
Complete and submit on-line the application form.

People who have previously done more than 6 weeks of in-service training or work (paid or unpaid) for any of the European institutions or bodies are excluded.

For more information, read the full application procedure:

Deadline: 30 January 2015, 12:00, Brussels time (for traineeships starting on October 2015).

Source here.

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Παρασκευή, Ιανουάριος 30, 2015