Control System Integrators

ESS - European Spallation Source

Lund, Sweden

Control Systems Integrator The ESS accelerator, a pulsed superconductiong linac, to be built in Lund, will produce a 5MW average power proton beam, driving the world's most powerful neutron source. The Integrated control system (ICS) will build control systems for the ESS accelerator, target, neutron instruments and conventional facilities. Now we are seeking four Control System Integrators, with different focus.

Control System Integrator, Vacuum

The main responsibilities are: Define and manage the interfaces between the control system components and Accelerator vacuum components in close cooperation with the vacuum system experts. Responsible for the design, implementation and management of accelerator vacuum control system Collect and verify control system requirements, in close collaboration with the system responsibles and end users Integration of components into the control system, from hardware to control room operator interfaces.

Control System Integrator, Cryogenetics

The main responsibilities are: Define and manage the interfaces between the control system components and Accelerator cryogenetics components Responsible for the design, implementation and management of accelerator cryogenetics control system Collect and verify control system requirements, in close collaboration with the system responsibles and end users Integration of components into the control system, from hardware to control room operator interfaces.

Control System Integrator, Conventional Facilities

The main responsibilities are: Define and manage the interfaces between the control system components and conventional facilities (building automation) systems Responsible for the design, implementation and management of conventional facilities control system components Collect and verify control system requirements, in close collaboration with the system responsibles and end users Integration of components into the control system, from hardware to control room operator interfaces.

Control System Integrator, Neutron Instruments

The main responsibilities are: Define and manage the interfaces between the control system components and neutron instrument components Responsible for the design, implementation and management of neutron instrument control systems Collect and verify control system requirements, in close collaboration with the system responsibles Ensure control systems uniformity and adherence to ESS standards and quality criteria Perform EPICS integration of components Manage in-kind contributions for instrument control system.


  • Master degree in Engineering, Science or equivalent is essential;
  • Experience with programming (C7C++, Java) and scripting (e.g. Python) languages;
  • Knowledge of EPICS is an advantage;
  • Experience with control systems architecture and design;
  • Experience with device integration, support ann maintenance;
  • Excellent oral and written English skills are a prerequisite; knowledge of other European languages would be an advantage.

There are slight differences in the requirements for the different focuses, please visit our website for full information and list of desired skills and experience for each position.

We truly believe that to enjoy and perform in this position, you consider these following competencies as a significant part of your character:

  • Well organized and structured;
  • Able to cope with heavy work load;
  • Good communicator and team worker.

About ESS

The European Spallation Source is one of the most forward-looking research facilities being built in Europe today. ESS will generate neutrons at an energy and quantity never seen before, by means of a proton accelerator terminating at a tungsten target. These neutrons, directed along various beam lines to perform selected imaging tasks and experiments, will be used to map the physical properties of materials at the atomic level. Shining this "light", of sorts, at a magnitude 30 times that of existing neutron sources, ESS will provide the tools for analysis that scientists worldwide have been anticipating for 20 years. The next great discoveries in nanotechnology, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, materials engineering, and experimental physics will derive from research performed at ESS. Incorporated into the rural landscape of southern Sweden, the construction of the various ESS buildings and facilities comprises one of the largest active infrastructure projects in Europe. The creative vision of the building envelope and grounds, developed by the Henning Larsen Architects-led design consortium, will be coupled to the innovative technical design of ESS's vast array of scientific machinery. The technical design work already represents one of the largest and broadest collaborations in Europe. The facility is expected to deliver its first neutrons in 2019 and be a major driver for innovation in science and industry in Europe and the region for generations.

For more details and to apply for this job click here