Four (4) Postdoctoral Positions in Normal & Malignant Hematopoiesis, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2015)

Research in the Porse group is focused on elucidating mechanisms governing normal and malignant hematopoiesis with special emphasis on the behaviour of hematopoietic stem cells during adult hematopoiesis and leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia. To this end we employ mouse models of human AML, mouse knock-out lines of key regulatory components as well as primary patient material. We have also conducted a number of shRNA-based in vivo screens for genes involved in tumor maintenance and identified a number of novel potential oncogenes and tumor suppressors, which will be studied in future projects.

The Porse group is affiliated with the Finsen Laboratory ( at Rigshospitalet as well as BRIC ( and DanStem (, both University of Copenhagen.

The research project(s)
A number of projects within the overall headlines listed below are available for the successful applicants.
1. Characterisation of novel candidate oncogenes and tumor suppressors in AML
2. Development and characterisation of novel mouse models of human AML
3. Characterisation of HSC regulators

Start: Preferably Spring 2015 or after agreement.

Duration: Two positions of 3 years and two positions of 2 years.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Τετάρτη, Απρίλιος 1, 2015