Two (2) PhD & Two (2) Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental Psychopathology/Health Psychology, University of Salzburg, Austria (2015)

How do emotions modulate when and what we eat? Why do weight reduction diets fail? What do patients with eating disorders share with obese individuals? How could laboratory research inform the diet interventions of the future?
These are the questions we ask in our group. We approach these challenges with experimental- neurocognitive and ambulatory methods and in populations ranging from healthy to eating and weight disordered groups. We are funded by a starting grant of the European Research Council, running for the coming 5 years and a project funded by the Austrian Science Foundation in collaboration with the National Research Fund of Luxembourg (3 years). The following positions are advertised:
- 2 PhD positions, 3 years
- 2 Post-doctoral positions, 3 and 5 years

The PhD students can become associated members of the graduate school ‘Imaging the Mind’ of the University of Salzburg, providing excellent post-graduate training courses, summer schools, international lab-rotation, etc. The work group (PI: Dr. Blechert) is supported by an excellent research infrastructure, provided collaboratively by the Clinical Stress and Emotion Lab and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, featuring several EEG laboratories, a research only fMRI scanner, an MEG center, several eye-trackers and brain stimulation devices. We are a well-connected, dynamic work group, hoping to provide a vibrant and motivating scientific environment as well as good work-life balance to applicants. Salzburg is located at the rim of the Alps and offers a rich cultural life as well as plenty of outdoors recreational opportunities.

Candidates should have a background in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computer Science, Statistics, Biology, Cognitive Neurology or related disciplines and should be experienced (Post-docs) - or interested (PhD students) – in one or several of the following domains: EEG, functional imaging, peripheral psychophysiology, MEG, brain stimulation, multilevel statistical modelling, ambulatory assessment, diagnostic assessment and/or treatment of eating disorders/obesity. A good command of English is necessary, knowledge of German is advantageous but optional. Annual salary is € 24’000/42’000 per year for PhD/Postdocs, respectively. Project start is the first of June 2015. Teaching is possible on an optional basis. We aim for an equal representation of females so women are especially encouraged to apply.

Further details:

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Φεβρουάριος 15, 2015