Sports and Exercise Science: Part-funded MSc by Research Scholarship: The Effect of Sliding Friction on Golf Putts Using Specialist Ball Tracking and Spin Detection Software

The successful candidate will undertake extensive testing of ball roll systems in real-world situations in order to:

(a) Accumulate further data for testing of system reliability and validity

(b) Help and advise on optimisation of system hardware, illumination requirements, diffusers, cameras and settings

(c) Report on the use and effectiveness of the system for the coaching of putting

(d) Prepare a wide range of materials for publicity and media coverage utilising the high status of the project and the collaboration partner


Partner: Quintic Consultancy, Birmingham

Research Questions

How is a golf ball putt affected by the initial sliding motion before true roll occurs?

How can golfers learn to minimise the problems created by this initial slide?

Can ball roll spin visualisation help golfers to understand their putting better and improve their game?

How can visualisation of ball roll data help golf coaches?


Two 2014 undergraduate projects have worked closely with Quintic on putting. ( Specialist cameras and analysis software donated by Quintic have been used to investigate the motion of the golf ball over the first 16 inches of the putt. Measurement of the ball’s slide and the distance to ‘true roll’ have been used to estimate the coefficient of kinetic friction for a variety of artificial surfaces. This prototype now needs to be extended to real greens and the camera system and software will need to be developed and optimised for application in real-world coaching. It is anticipated that the system will be used with top golfers to assist them with their putting in the practice scenario. 

Supervisor: Dr I W Griffiths

Collaborating staff: Dr M J Lewis, Dr K Mackintosh

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


The scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees (currently £3996) for the duration of the course (1 year).

Comment/web site for additional job details 

Application website

Application Deadline
