PhD position: I/O steering for Big Data and HPC

This PhD thesis will address the problem of efficient Cloud and HPC Big Data management, developing a framework and defining policies for guided I/O interfaces overcoming existing limitations. This work will be done with reference to real and challenging use cases such as data handling for the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope (SKA) or flagship Human Brain projects


We have entered the era of Big Data, where the size of data generated by digital media, social networks and scientific instruments is increasing at an extreme rate. To gain value from this data, Big Data must be stored, processed and analyzed. This in turn requires introducing new techniques for Big Data management at Exascale, which include Cloud and High Performance Computing infrastructures. 

The traditional data storage techniques used in high performance parallel storage already show limitations when pushed to their limits with workflows and data organization often devised many decades ago and that are inconsistent with new generations of object based data storage that are rapidly replacing the traditional distributed file system architectures adopted so far. 

This PhD thesis will address the problem of efficient Cloud and HPC Big Data management, developing a framework and defining policies for guided I/O interfaces overcoming existing limitations. This work will be done with reference to real and challenging use cases such as data handling for the Square Kilometer Array radio telescope (SKA) or flagship Human Brain projects .

To apply, please email a cover letter, CV, contact address of at least two professional references and copies of degree certificates to Dr. Malcolm Muggeridge. Incomplete applications will not be considered or answered.

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields

Computer science

Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 


The candidate will be mainly hosted by Seagate in Havant (UK). The candidate will work in close liaison with the secondary advisor in Germany and will be given the opportunity to present for a PhD through the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (JGU), There will be multiple visits may last several months, as well as visits to other locations of partners within the ETN for education and liaison purposes.

Comment/web site for additional job details


Required Languages
Language LevelExcellent
Required Education Level
Degree FieldComputer science
Additional Requirements
Excelent knowledge of modern operating systems (Linux). Ability and motivation to conduct high-quality research, including publishing the results in relevant venues. Strong programming skills in at least one of the languages (e.g. C/C++, Java, Python). Good knowledge of research methods is advantageous. Working experience in the areas of Big Data management, Cloud computing or HPC. is an advantage as is good knowledge of computer networks and distributed systems or data storage. Very good communication skills in oral and written English. Open-mindedness, strong integration skills and team spirit.
Required Education Level
DegreeMaster Degree or equivalent
Additional Requirements
At the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have lived in UK for more than 12 month in the previous 36 month. An excellent Master degree in computer science or equivalent.

Envisaged Job Starting Date


Application Deadline


Application e-mail
