Communications and Network Technician, The Hague

Closing date: Sunday, 25 January 2015

Job TitIe and LeveI: Communicat ions and Net work Technician (G-6)

Vacancy Announcement No: 4101EE-RE1

DeadIine for AppIications: 25.01.2015

OrganizationaI Unit : ÌCT Operat ions Unit

Duty Station : The Hague

Type of Appointment: General Temporary Assist ance

Minimum Net AnnuaI SaIary (SingIe Rate) (EURO) : C 42,607

Contract Duration

Candidat es who have already submit t ed an applicat ion f or t his vacancy do not need t o re-apply.

General Temporary Assist ance (GTA) f rom 1 April 2015 unt il 31 December 2015, wit h t he possibilit y of ext ension, subject t o t he availabilit y of f unds and in accordance wit h t he durat ion of t he ÌCC project f or t he Permanent Premises.

A rost er of suit able candidat es may be est ablished f or t his part icular prof ile as a result of t his select ion process f or bot h f ixed-t erm est ablished and general t emporary assist ance post s.

Duties & Responsibilities

Wit hin delegat ed aut horit y, t he Communicat ions/Net work t echnician is responsible f or providing adequat e services under t he ÌT Operat ions unit port f olio t o t he Court . The main f ocus of t his posit ion is design and implement at ion of campus and dat acent re net works f or t he new permanent premises of t he ÌCC. Under t he f unct ional supervision of t he Head of ÌCT Operat ions Unit and operat ional supervision of t he Communicat ions Of f icer, t he incumbent will be responsible f or t he f ollowing dut ies

  1. Design and implement t he campus and dat a cent er net work inf rast ruct ure at t he new premises of t he Court . Cont ribut e t o t he development of t he low level design (LLD) document f or t he new inf rast ruct ure, inst all, conf igure and maint ain net working equipment f or t he campus and dat acent er net works.
  2. Act ively part icipat e in deployment of t he corporat e WiFi net work of t he Court . Ìnst all, conf igure and t roubleshoot Wireless LAN Cont rollers (WLC) and CÌSCO Ìdent it y Services Engine (ÌSE).
  3. Perf orm net work administ rat ion and t roubleshoot ing t o isolat e and diagnose cause of net work/t elecommunicat ion disrupt ions; review syst em logs, report error condit ions and t ake necessary correct ive act ion;
  4. Develop, monit or, and implement net work securit y procedures f or saf eguarding all net working syst ems;
  5. Direct and supervise, when request ed by t he Communicat ions Of f icer, t he work of cont ract ors assigned t o t he Unit , in t erms of net work equipment inst allat ion, support and maint enance and organizes prompt net work support by assigning t he available t echnical resources while exercising qualit y assurance f unct ions;
  6. Perf orm ot her dut ies as required.

Essential Qualifications

Essent ial requirement s

  1. High school diploma or equivalent , pref erably wit h Elect ronics / Telecommunicat ions / ÌCT background.
  2. Valid CÌSCO prof essional or above level cert if icat ion on Rout ing and Swit ching (CCNP R&S/CCÌE R&S) is required.
  3. Minimum eight years of progressively responsible experience in ÌCT and/or net work, t elecommunicat ions and relat ed f ields, wit h at least 3 years specif ically wit h ÌP net works.
  4. Ìn-dept h knowledge of t he TCP/ÌP Prot ocol Suit e
  5. Experience in Design, implement at ion and management of LAN/WAN wit h CÌSCO equipment (Cat alyst L2/L3 Swit ches and Ìnt egrat ed Services Rout ers).
  6. Experience in design, implement at ion and management of dat a cent er net works based on CÌSCO Nexus plat f orm is required.
  7. Experience in implement at ion and management of CÌSCO UCS based solut ions is required.
  8. Experience in administ rat ion of inf rast ruct ure virt ualizat ion solut ions (VMWare) is required.
  9. Knowledge of f irewall, ÌDS /ÌPS syst ems pref erably CÌSCO ASA and/or Fort igat e is required.

Desirable qualif icat ions

  1. Valid Cert if icat ions in t he area of VoÌP/Unif ied Communicat ions Engineering will be considered an asset .
  2. Experience wit h Ent erprise VoÌP environment s based on Cisco Call Manager will be considered an asset . (i.e. Cisco CCNA/CCNP/CCÌE Voice ).
  3. Experience in design, implement at ion and management of corporat e WiFi net works wit h CÌSCO devices is a plus.
  4. Experience in design, implement at ion and management of CÌSCO ÌSE will be considered an asset .
  5. Experience in implement at ion and management of st orage area net work (SAN) based on f ibre channel (FC) is highly desirable.
  6. Knowledge of Microsof t SCCM is a plus.

ÌCC Core Compet encies

Dedicat ion t o t he mission and values

  • Act s consist ent ly in accordance wit h t he mission and values of t he Organisat ion;
  • Maint ains conf ident ialit y, act s wit h int egrit y and shows respect f or diversit y;
  • Shows commit ment t o t he organisat ion;
  • Present s a posit ive image of t he organisat ion during ext ernal discussions.

Prof essionalism

  • Applies prof essional and t echnical expert ise;
  • Keeps abreast of organisat ional issues;
  • Produces workable solut ions t o a range of problems;


  • List ens, consult s ot hers and communicat es proact ively;
  • Handles disagreement s wit h t act and diplomacy;
  • Recognises and rewards t he cont ribut ion of ot hers;

Learning and developing

  • Ìdent if ies development st rat egies needed t o achieve work and career goals and makes use of development al or t raining opport unit ies;
  • Learns f rom successes and f ailures;
  • Seeks f eedback and gives f eedback t o ot hers t o increase organisat ional ef f ect iveness;
  • Seeks opport unit ies f or improvement of work;
  • Has an open mind and cont ribut es t o innovat ion.

Handling uncert ain sit uat ions

  • Adapt s t o changing circumst ances;
  • Deals wit h ambiguit y, making posit ive use of t he opport unit ies it present s;
  • Plans act ivit ies and project s well in advance and t akes account of possible changing circumst ances;
  • Manages t ime ef f ect ively.

Ìnt eract ion

  • Expresses opinions, inf ormat ion and key point s of an argument clearly;
  • Handles cont act s wit h diplomacy and t act ;
  • Communicat es in a t ransparent and open way wit h int ernal and ext ernal cont act s while complying wit h conf ident ialit y requirement s.

Realising object ives

  • Accept s and t ackles demanding goals wit h ent husiasm;
  • Keeps t o agreement s wit h ot hers;
  • Focuses on client needs;
  • Takes responsibilit y f or act ions, project s and people;
  • Monit ors and maint ains qualit y and product ivit y.


Fluency in eit her of t he working languages of t he Court , English or French, is essent ial. Working knowledge of t he ot her is desirable. Knowledge of anot her of f icial language of t he Court would be considered an asset .

GeneraI Information

  • The select ed candidat e will be subject t o a Personnel Securit y Clearance (PSC) process in accordance wit h ÌCC policy. The PSC process will include but will not be limit ed t o, verif icat ion of t he inf ormat ion provided in t he personal hist ory f orm and a criminal record check. All candidat es should be in a posit ion t o submit an elect ronic copy of t heir passport and all diplomas list ed on t heir prof ile when request ed;
  • Applicant s may check t he st at us of vacancies on ÌCC E-Recruit ment web-sit e;
  • Post t o be f illed pref erably by a nat ional of a St at e Part y t o t he ÌCC St at ut e, or of a St at e which has signed and is engaged in t he rat if icat ion process or which is engaged in t he accession process, but nat ionals f rom non-st at e part ies may also be considered;
  • Ìn accordance wit h t he Rome St at ut e, t he ÌCC aims t o achieve f air represent at ion of women and men f or all posit ions, represent at ion of t he principal legal syst ems of t he world f or legal posit ions, and equit able geographical represent at ion f or posit ions in t he prof essional cat egory;
  • Applicat ions f rom f emale candidat es are part icularly encouraged;
  • Personnel recruit ed at t he General Service level are not ent it led t o all of t he benef it s grant ed t o int ernat ionally-recruit ed st af f ;
  • The Court reserves t he right not t o make any appoint ment t o t he vacancy, t o make an appoint ment at a lower grade, or t o make an appoint ment wit h a modif ied job descript ion.
  • The ÌCC is willing t o apply t he ' Ìnt er-Organisat ion Agreement concerning Transf er, Secondment or Loan of St af f among t he Organizat ions applying t he Unit ed Nat ions Common Syst em of Salaries and Allowances' or ' t he Ìnt er-Organisat ion Mobilit y Accord' on a reciprocal basis.

Application Information: