PhD studentship at Inserm U1105 : Amiens, France

In the framework of the ANR program from the French Governement, theINSERM U1105 invites applications for a 3 year PhD position in Neuroscience and offers a multidisciplinary research environment with opportunities for training and collaboration and access to excellent technical facilities, including 128 channel EEG amplifiers and laboratories for Functional Optical Imaging recording.

Goal: We have recently shown, using High Density optical imaging coregistered with Electroencephalography that deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson patient modifies cerebral activities in specific cortical areas. In fact, DBS of the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) induce a reduction of cortical metabolism, notably in sensory-motor areas. Our collaborative ANR project with the Institut des Neurosciences, U836 Inserm de Grenoble and Neurospin de Saclay aims to to map cortical regions that are modulated by DBS of the SubThalamic Nucleus (STN) in patients suffering from severe OCD. Brain activation elicited by STN DBS will be compared to that of Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, in order to identify specific markers of the associative limbic loop as opposed to the motor loop that are the respectiveDBS targets in those diseases. The principal objective of this thesis will be to study the Neurophysiological activations in response to DBS using High Density Optical Imaging. The collaboration with Grenoble and Neurospine will allow establishing correlations with HR EEG and with neuroanatomical measurements. The results will be then correlated to DBS outcome. we will used a multidisciplinary and multimodal approach, combining different methods of cerebral imaging to better characterize the neuronal mechanisms involved inDBS in Parkinson and OCD patients
Material: Combining a noninvasive functional optical imaging of the brain with high density electrophysiological analysis give the opportunity to record hemodynamic and neuronal responses (fNIRS and Event-Related Optical Signal)-EEG respectively) of the brain to analyze spatiotemporal organization of the networks modulated by DBS). Combination of different technologies to analyze dynamic processes of the brain is supported by advanced methods of signal processing. 
Individuals who hold or will soon receive a Master’s degree in a Neuroscience, Neuroimaging (preferably a background in biomedical signal processing) are encouraged to apply. Proficiency in English language and some experience with computer programming in MATLAB are required. Experience with the use of software for EEG data analysis is beneficial. Candidates should be eager to learn new techniques and to contribute to data acquisition and analysis.
Applicants are asked to submit their CV and documentation of relevant qualification to Prof. Fabrice Wallois via email to fabrice.wallois<στο>
Applications will be processed until the position is filled.

Don't forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.