PhD scholarships on Photonic Crystals & Epitaxially Grown Nanostructures, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (2015)

Ph.D. stipends including full salary are available at the Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.

The research envisioned in the Ph.D. projects aim at exploring active photonic crystal structures with the purpose of realizing new types of nanolasers and ultra-fast all-optical switches and understanding the physics of these structures. This research theme is central to NATEC (“NAnophotonics for Terabit Communications”), which is a Centre of Excellence funded by Villum Fonden. The NATEC centre performs research on light-matter interaction in semiconductor quantum dots and photonic crystal structures and explores the use of such nanostructured materials for realizing photonic chips operating in the terabit per second regime.

The centre is a strongly focused effort involving nanofabrication, experimental characterisation based on nanoscopy and ultrafast laser spectroscopy, fundamental theory including topology optimization, and systems experiments and provides ample opportunities for cross-fertilization between these areas. The Centre has been running for five years, during which world-class experimental and theoretical results have been obtained.

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Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 

Κυριακή, Φεβρουάριος 15, 2015