PhD student in Interaction Design – IoTaP resarch profile

General information about Malmö University
Since its inception in 1998, Malmö University has grown into the country’s eighth largest institution of higher education with 25 000 students. Its education and research programmes are distinguished by their multidisciplinary, problem-oriented approach and social relevance. The university offers students a range of educations in five faculties: Culture and Society, Education and Society, Health and Society, Odontology, and Technology and Society.

Faculty of Culture and Society
The Faculty of Culture and Society is a multidisciplinary faculty that includes the School of Arts and Communication (K3), the Department of Global Political Studies, the Department of Language and Linguistics, and the Department of Urban Studies.

School of Arts and Communication (K3)
K3 is a multidisciplinary school with approximately 80 employees and 1000 full-time students. The school’s education and research deal with media, design, art, culture and society. K3 conducts transnational education at the bachelor’s and master’s level as well as doctoral programmes within the research area New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Expression. There are degree programmes in subjects such as media and communication studies, interaction design, performing arts design, English studies, and design and visual communication. The school also offers a large number of freestanding courses.

Internet of Things and People (IOTAP)

The position is part of the Internet of Things and People (IOTAP) research profile, a seven-year project which is a collaboration between Malmö University and the following industrial partners: Axis Communications, CyberCom, Data Ductus, E.On, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Technology, Sony Mobile, TerraNet, Verisure, Wireless Maingate and ÅF Technology. Read more about the IoTaP research profile

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables the objects in our environment to sense, act, and share information. In order to develop successful products and services that are meaningful and useful, the perspective of the users must be integrated in IoT research. The research profile focuses on three areas that are crucial for the advance of the Internet of Things:

  • Interaction technology; how users interact with the connected devices,
  • User-centred development; how users can be involved in the development of new IoT services and products, and
  • Embedded intelligence; how intelligence embedded in the devices can improve the usability and functionality of IoT services and products.

The research in these areas will be carried out in application areas that are of interest for the industrial partners, such as energy, transportation, health, and home automation.

The position are four years full time and may be extended to five years and include 20 percent teaching according to Higher Education Ordinance 5 Chap. 7 §.The research is carried out in collaboration with some of the industrial partners participating in the IoTaP research profile.

Doctoral programme in Interaction Design within the research area New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Expression
The research programme prepares the candidate for a research or teaching career in academia as well as providing professional skills for work outside the academic field. An essential aim of the programme is that the student shall be involved in collaboration with other researchers and thereby establish a national and international contact network. Currently there are approximately 10 active doctoral students in the programme. It is desirable that the student integrates creative or practical work with analytical work. For more information about the research area New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Expression, see See also the General Study Plan for third-cycle programme in Interaction Design:

Employment as a doctoral student
The student employed as a doctoral student shall primarily devote time to his/her own research. Decisions regarding employment of doctoral students can be found in Higher Education Ordinance 5 Chap. 1-7 §§. The doctoral student is expected to actively participate in the research and teaching environment.

The doctoral programme’s aim is to develop the knowledge and skills required for the doctoral student in order to independently conduct research and thereby contribute to the development of knowledge within the chosen subject area. The doctoral programme is worth 240 higher education credits (equivalent to four years of full-time studies) and is completed when the doctoral student publicly defends his/her doctoral dissertation.

The general requirements for third-cycle (doctoral) education are that the student has
1) received a second-cycle higher education degree,
2) completed course requirements of at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 higher education credits are second-cycle, or
3) in some other way, within or outside the country, acquired equivalent knowledge.

Applicants who met the basic eligibility requirements for doctoral studies prior to 1 July 2007 shall thereafter be considered to have completed the general requirements for admission to the doctoral studies. This exception applies up until the end of June 2015.

Specific requirements for the position are knowledge and skills corresponding to a second-cycle degree in interaction design or in another subject that is relevant to interaction design. Interaction design is multidisciplinary and relevant subjects within social sciences, aesthetics and technical subjects meet the specific requirements. The specific requirements can also be fulfilled by equivalent knowledge that has been acquired in some other way.

Basis of assessment
Initial assessment concerns the general and specific eligibility requirements (above).
Further, according to Higher Education Ordinance 5 Chap. 5 §, importance is placed on the student’s ability to appropriate the advanced learning of the third-cycle doctoral programme. The previously written material and portfolio pieces and the dissertation plan are important indicators of this ability. (Refer to instructions on the form of the application, below.)

Another important basis of assessment is the degree to which the proposed research direction aligns with the research area of New Media, Public Spheres and Forms of Expression and with the academic field of Interaction design.

Other assessment criteria:

  • Demonstrated ability to contribute to design projects in the field of tangible and embedded interaction
  • Demonstrated ability to contribute to design projects involving products and services based on Internet of Things infrastructures
  • Demonstrated ability to apply participatory design methods
  • Demonstrated analytical and communication skills
  • Demonstrated fluency in written and spoken English

Additional information
Employment is full-time and time restricted according to Higher Education Ordinance 5 Chap. 7 §.

March 2015 or after agreement.

Contact information

Professor Jonas Löwgren, tel. 040-665 7896 Jonas.lowgren<στο>

Head of K3 Sara Bjärstorp, tel. 040-66 57754 sara.bjarstorp<στο>

The application should include the following documents:
1. Application form

2. CV with references.
3. Dissertation plan (four pages, outlining in particular how the applicant’s research interests will be approached and how creative and analytical work will be integrated).
4. Complete list of your publications and creative works relevant to the position (including scholarly as well as general-interest publications, theses and reports).
5. Copies of up to three selected writings that the applicant wishes to submit.

6. Portfolio of interaction design-related work.
7. Certificates and university transcripts.


Applications must be sent by e-mail (entire application compiled in one PDF document). The application, marked with the reference number, should be sent electronically toregistrator.ks<στο>  It must arrive at Malmö University no later than 1 February  2015.


Union representatives
SACO-S: Michael Svedemar,

OFR, Eva Nilsson,

SEKO: Ingrid Lagerborg,

PhD Student Union

Malin McGlinnn,

Referensnummer: KS 42-2014/1271
Placering: Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle
Sista ansökningsdag: 2015-02-01