Marie Curie ITN Experienced Researcher Fellowship

Applications are invited for an Experienced Researcher (ER) Fellowship at Peacocks Medical Group Ltd funded as part of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network, KMEEMO (, Prevention and personalised treatments in Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA). The fellowship is a fixed 24 month contract from the appointment date of the 1st of May 2015 and will be based in Newcastle upon Tyne in the United Kingdom.

The broad aim of KNEEMO is to improve our understanding of Knee Osteoarthritis. To that effect it provides an interdisciplinary training network, based on the facilities, activities, and courses offered by the project partner institutions, including:

  • Various workshops, conferences and summer schools on Knee Osteoarthritis, KOA Biomechanics, advanced computer modelling of the knee and knee joint structure and nonpharmacological interventions for KOA.
  • Secondments/ internships in the private and public partners of the network.
  • Mentoring will also be delivered by senior scientists who will be responsible for integrating the ER’s into the training network.

Additionally the ER will be assigned the task of developing a highly personalised knee brace for KOA using additive manufacturing.

Under the terms of the EC funding, which aims to promote mobility within the research community, to be eligible for the post you must not have been resident in the UK for more than 12 months in the past three years.

Other requirements for applicants:

  • Possess a PhD or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. This research experience may not exceed 5 years at the time of recruitment.
  • Mechanical or biomechanical engineering background with experience in CAD, FEA, biomechanics, additive manufacturing, product development and project management.

Experience in dynamic biomechanical modelling is also beneficial.

  • Excellent written and oral English language skills.
  • Highly motivated, team minded and able to work independently.
  • Willing to travel across Europe and learn from like-minded researchers from around the world.

The EC funding for this position ranges from €79,393 – €83,666 per annum which is made up of an annual living allowance and a mobility allowance (to cover the expenses associated with working in a different country) depending on family status. Salary paid in £, precise figure dependent on £/€ conversion rate.

An application should include a CV, a cover letter, together with the names and contact details of three referees. The applications and any queries should be sent to: janet.wilkins<στο>

The closing date for applications is Sunday, 1st March 2015.