PhD Student Position in Electricity Markets

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Swedens technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. There are a total of 13,400 first and second level students and almost 1,900 doctoral students. KTH has 4,900 employees.

KTH Elektro- och systemteknik bedriver forskning och utbildning inom elektroteknik, systemteknik, informations- och kommunikationsteori, rymd- och fusionsplasmafysik och elkraftteknik. I denna dynamiska miljö arbetar ca 380 personer, varav hälften är doktorander, många med utländsk bakgrund. Våra forskningsprojekt bedrivs i nära samarbete med industripartners och med forskarkollegor i Sverige och utomlands. Skolan ansvarar för civilingenjörsutbildningarna i elektroteknik samt sju mastersprogram med högt söktryck och nära koppling till våra profilområden.

For information about the department of Electrical Power Systems please visit the departments webpage .

The information of the Electricity Market Research Group (EMReG) is available here .

Project description

The successful candidate will be part of Electricity Market Research Group (EMReG) and be active in the research project Intermittency and ancillary service cost allocation: A game-theoretic approach.

In principle, the increasing penetration of intermittent generation sources increases the risk of quite large short-run swings in the supply/demand balance (the most dramatic examples tend to be where wind turbines are shut down under high-wind conditions to prevent damage to the turbines).

This could increase the need for ancillary services particularly the need for balancing services. In order to achieve an efficient mix of generation assets, these costs should be borne by the generators which cause them.

Historically, the cost of ancillary services required to reliably operate power systems has been allocated to all end consumers. But it is suggested that in a system with huge penetration of intermittent generation, the intermittent generation is made partly or wholly responsible for the additional costs it causes.

At present, the allocation of the cost of ancillary services with intermittent generation is rather crude and ad hoc. This issue is subject to current debate and it has not being addressed in general, although there are examples of related issues being addressed in specific instances.

This project seeks a mechanism based on game theoretic concepts that can efficiently assign the ancillary service costs to the causers. The developed mechanism must be transparent and have a reliable mathematical model. The mathematical proofs will follow to prove different aspects of the developed mechanism. Numerical results based on the Nordic electricity market will be carried out. Possible ways of applying the designed cost-allocation mechanism in real world situations complement the project.

Qualifications and eligibility

The successful applicant is expected to hold or to be about to receive an MSc degree in Electric Power Systems Engineering, Industrial Economics, Mathematics, Engineering Physics, or System Engineering.

A specialization in game theory and convex optimization is an asset.

The successful applicant should have an outstanding academic track record, and well developed analytical and problem solving skills. We are looking for a strongly motivated person, who is able to work independently. Good command of English orally and in writing is required to publish and present results at international conferences and in international journals. The evaluation will be based on how well the applicant fulfills the above qualifications.

Fackliga representanter

Du hittar kontaktuppgifter till fackliga representanter på KTH:s webbsida .


Du ansöker via KTH:s rekryteringsverktyg. Du som sökande har huvudansvaret för att din ansökan är komplett när den skickas in. Din kompletta ansökan ska vara KTH tillhanda senast sista dagen för ansökningsperioden.

The application must include:

  1. Full curriculum vitae including your relevant academic, professional, and other experience and knowledge.
  2. Copy of the degree certificate(s) and transcripts of records from your previously attended university-level institutions, with translations in English (unless provided so by the issuing institution)
  3. Statement of purpose: Why the applicant wants to pursue a PhD, what are your academic interests, how they relate to your previous studies and future goals; maximum 2 pages long.
  4. Representative publications or technical reports: Up to 2 documents, no longer than 10 pages each. For longer documents (e.g. theses), please provide a summary (abstract) and a web link to the full text.
  5. Letters of recommendation or contact information for two reference persons


The employment is time limited, following the regulations for PhD employment in the Higher Education Ordinance ( 5 years when 80% studies and 20% department service).

Vi undanber oss direktkontakt med bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av platsannonser.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Working hours: Full time
Salary: Monthly salary that follows kths phd student salary agreement
City: Stockholm
Reference number: E-2014-0971
Published: 2014-12-18
Last application date: 2015-01-08

Please state in the application that you applied via