PhD student in circuit quantum electrodynamics

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Swedens technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. There are a total of 13,400 first and second level students and almost 1,900 doctoral students. KTH has 4,900 employees.

KTH Teknikvetenskap bedriver frontlinjeforskning inom ett brett fält, från forskning inom grundläggande ämnen som fysik och matematik, till teknisk mekanik med tillämpningar inom bland annat flygteknik och fordonsteknik. Skolan driver och utvecklar civilingenjörsutbildningarna Teknisk Fysik och Farkostteknik, liksom utbildningsprogrammet Öppen ingång. Kandidatprogrammet Simuleringsteknik och virtuell design och ett flertal masterprogram.

Nanostructure Physics in the Department of Applied Physics specializes in the study of nonlinear phenomena with experimental work and theoretical modeling in two areas: Atomic Force Microscopy and Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics. The group has access to excellent in-house nanofabrication, low-temperature and microwave measurement equipment. Of particular interest to this project is the groups unique digital platform for multi-frequency lockin measurement and algorithms for the analysis of intermodulation spectra. Starting January 1, 2015, Nanostructure Physics will team up with the Quantum Device group at Chalmers University of Technology on a 5-year project to investigate quantum states of microwave photons and relativistic physics on a chip funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

Job description

Nanostructure Physics is seeking applications for a PhD student to work on this project in Stockholm. The successful applicant will analyze and experiment with various schemes for the amplification of microwave signals at the quantum limit of added noise, and with the entanglement of photons in a microwave frequency comb. The goal of our studies is the development of fundamental understanding leading to the long-term goal of applications in quantum information processing, quantum computation and quantum metrology.

The employment is four years with a possibility of maximum up to five years. Up to 20 percent department duties are included in the employment.


A suitable background is a Master of Science in Physics or possibly Electrical Engineering or Applied Math, coupled with basic knowledge and a keen interest in nonlinear phenomena and quantum physics. A relevant Masters thesis and good English language skills are necessary qualifications. Applicants with a Masters project in theory are welcome, but they must have a documented interest and strong desire to work with experimental apparatus during their post-doctoral studies. Applicants must be highly motivated to work hard and further their career, have the ability to perform critical analysis and work independently, and be willing to share their ideas and work in a group.

Trade union representatives

You'll find contact information to trade union representatives at KTH:s webbpage .


Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are the main responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the ad. Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application.

Application must contain the following documents in PDF format.

  • Statement of professional interest and motivation for continued study (max 2 pages)
  • CV
  • Transcripts from university or college
  • Example of technical writing, e. g., thesis, essay, course report or scientific paper


We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Working hours: Full time
Salary: Monthly salary that follows kth:s phd student salary agreement
City: Stockholm
Reference number: S-2014-1510
Published: 2014-12-18
Last application date: 2015-03-31

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