Ph.D. student employment in Polymer Nanocomposites

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Swedens technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. There are a total of 13,400 first and second level students and almost 1,900 doctoral students. KTH has 4,900 employees.

KTH Kemivetenskap omfattar områdena kemi, kemiteknik samt fiber- och polymerteknologi. Skolans verksamhet innefattar såväl grund- som tillämpad kemivetenskaplig forskning för en hållbar utveckling genom vetenskaplig excellens. Många forskningsaktiviteter är tvärdisciplinära och spänner från kemivetenskap till materialvetenskap, energiteknik, miljövetenskap, biokemi, biologi och medicin. Skolan ansvarar för civilingenjörsutbildningen i teknisk kemi, högskoleingenjörsutbildningen i kemiteknik och tekniskt basår samt för tre engelskspråkiga mastersprogram, kemiteknik för energi och miljö, makromolekylära material och molekylär vetenskap och teknik. Vi medverkar även med kurser i civilingenjörsprogrammen energi och miljö, materialdesign och bioteknik.

Project overview

Polymer nanocomposites are of technical and scientific interest due to the extended range of properties they offer compared with microsale composites. The nanosize of the reinforcement phase makes it possible to mix phases by physical means and achieve unique properties from molecular and nanoscale effects. The present project is focused on biobased materials with improved mechanical and fire retardant properties, without the use of toxic fire retardants. The project is funded by SSF, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, and is focused on non-toxic and fire retardant cellulose composites. Three professors collaborate in the project and PhD-students collaborate across interdisciplinary boundaries.

Preliminary work show interesting characteristics of ccelulose nanofiber materials combined with clay platelets. The objective is to explore materials concepts based on nanocellulose and inorganic nanoparticles, and understand the nanoscale mechanisms for property improvements.

Description of position

FireFoam is a collaboration project at the Dept of Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH. The position contributes to the project by means of experimental studies involving materials design, preparation abd characterization. Properties are measured and results are related to physical mechanisms and the structure of the nanocomposite. Tasks include planning, execution and analysis of experiments using, for example, microscopy techniques, mechanical property testing, and analysis of results by means of theoretical models.

Eligibility and assessment criteria

We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual with a background in polymer science and engineering or materials science or equivalent. Good skills in spoken and written English are required

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Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this position. You are the main responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the ad. Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application.


We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Working hours: Full time
Salary: According to kth s "salary ladder" for phd students
City: Stockholm
Reference number: K-2014-0817
Published: 2014-12-18
Last application date: 2015-01-20

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