Junior Mechanical Architect/Lead Designer

TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Delft, Netherlands

Level of education
University level

Hours per week 
Full time (32-40)

Job description

The Optomechatronics research group focuses on the conceptual design of high-tech optomechatronic systems, in very close collaboration with the Optics, Space Systems Engineering, Nano Instrumentation and Instrument Manufacturing research groups. Sizeable commercial projects are conducted for clients in the domains of Space & Science, Semicon and the Manufacturing industry.

Within the strong global position of the Dutch mechatronic industry, the group plays the role of supplier of breakthrough technology. Key projects in the years to come include robust adaptive optomechatronic modules and regulatory systems, industrial in-line inspection systems and nano-optomechatronic systems for application in next-generation lithography, metrology and medical diagnostics.

The group works in close collaboration with various universities, academic institutions and a large industrial network. The group was also responsible for the design of the top sector roadmap mechatronics.

In your role as junior/medior mechanical architect, you will be responsible for the development of mechanical solutions to high-tech problems posed by leading international clients. These solutions are based on combinations of precision mechanics and optics, usually supplemented with mechatronics. You will always be pushing the boundaries of what is possible: if the existing approach is no longer sufficient, you will develop new concepts yourself.

You have a pioneering spirit and you are comfortable with the uncertainty that usually comes with complex scientific and engineering problems. You work as part of project teams and co-write project proposals for paid assignments.

Job requirements

The job requirements are as follows:

  • You have a Master’s degree or PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Technical Physics or a comparable field;
  • You have relevant experience with the design of (opto)mechanical systems;
  • You are knowledgeable about construction principles and statically determined design;
  • You are knowledgeable about thermomechanics and the design of (ultra) stable systems;
  • You are knowledgeable about the dynamic behaviour of constructions;
  • You have strong analytical insight and are adept in conceptual thinking;
  • You can unravel and analyse a complex problem and clarify its essence;
  • You are proficient at speaking and writing the English language;
  • You are flexible and communicative.


TNO is an independent research organisation that uses its expertise and research to make an important contribution to the competitive strength of corporations and organisations, to the economy and the quality of our society as a whole. With around 3,500 employees, we work for a wide variety of clients: governments, small and medium-sized enterprises, major corporations, service providers and humanitarian organisations. Together, we work on new knowledge, better products and clearer advice about policies and processes. Everything we do revolves around impact. Our product and process innovations and our advice are only really useful when the client can use them to strengthen his competitive position, when the government can use them to make its policies more efficient and when they actually benefit people and organisations.

Employment conditions

Working with pleasure has a different meaning for everyone. TNO wants to help you find the right balance between your work and your private life. You want to work on your career and also lead a fun social life. That is why we offer you various extras, such as employment conditions à-la-carte. This means that you can exchange various employment conditions during a calendar year. Flexible working hours and a variety of leave plans offer you plenty of freedom of choice. You can compose your own package that optimally suits your situation. Naturally, you will receive an excellent salary and matching secondary employment conditions. TNO is the ideal innovation and knowledge organisation. That also means we highly value your personal and professional development. There will be plenty of opportunities to develop and improve yourself: congresses, training programmes, workshops, coaching, intervision, mentoring and function changes. You will have a say in the speed and direction of your own professional and personal development.

Contact information

Wouter Jonker, Manager, telephone 088 - 866 6394
Nicolette Meunier, Recruiter, telephone 088 - 866 8328


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