4 Year PhD Studentship - Performance Assessment of Machined Composites Via Novel Metrics for Surface Quality

University of Sheffield - Industrial Doctorate Centre in Machining Science

This 4 year PhD studentship is funded by the University of Sheffield and EPSRC. The successful candidate will join a cohort of PhD and EngD students in the IDC in Machining Science following a semi-structured programme combining technical and professional training with research. Approximately 75% of the time will be spent on the main University of Sheffield campus, the rest at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (www.amrc.co.uk) and/or other collaborators.

Start date: 31st August 2015. 

Duration: 4 years.
Supervisors: Dr James Meredith (Mechanical Engineering) and Dr Kevin Kerrigan (AMRC).

Project Summary

Carbon fibre reinforced composites (CFRPs) are an increasingly attractive lightweight solution in industries such as aerospace, automotive, sporting goods and renewable energies with global demand forecast to increase enormously in the future. CFRPs offer high specific stiffness and strength which enable significant weight savings to be made over conventional metallic components. Research on the machining of composite materials dates back to the early 1980’s although the general principles have derived from metal cutting. Current problems with machining of composites include damage, splintering and delamination that can propagate over time and lead to eventual failure of the component. Since metals are isotropic and homogeneous and CFRPs are anisotropic and multi-phase a different approach to machining is required.

The overall objective for this studentship is to link the long term performance of CFRPs with machined surface quality. This will require the development of novel metrics to assess the quality of machined edges in CFRPs. The student will experiment with innovative machining processes and tools to gain a fundamental understanding of the variables that give rise to high quality, damage free cut edges on CFRP components. This research will determine a new metric to define a machined CFRP surface that goes beyond conventional surface roughness measurement i.e. Ra and links surface finish to long term performance of the composite. It will employ state-of-the-art inspection techniques to investigate the quality of a machined surface considering 3D surface texture, fibre pull-out, delamination, uncut fibre delamination as well as investigations into the micro-scale surface features and material properties. In this way it will establish links between machining induced damage and the long term effect on structural properties of the composite and lead to a clear definition of quality in terms of machined composites.

Entry requirements

Applicants must have, or expect to get, a good Masters degree in a relevant engineering discipline (exceptionally a 1st or strong 2:1 may be considered). Experience of composites manufacturing and machining are desirable. You should be enthusiastic about research with an interest in technology development and innovation in manufacturing.

Due to EPSRC residency requirements, this project is open only to UK/EU applicants resident in the UK for at least 3 years immediately preceding the start of the course.

Enquiries and applications

See the IDC website www.sheffield.ac.uk/machining-science-idc for full details about applying for this studentship.

About the IDC in Machining Science

The IDC in Machining Science is a unique collaboration between industry, the University of Sheffield's award winning Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre www.amrc.co.uk and the Faculty of Engineering.

We are an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) offering 10 fully funded four-year PhD and EngD studentships per year.

Taught elements will take place on the main University of Sheffield campus. Research will mainly take place on the main campus (75%), the rest at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (www.amrc.co.uk).
