4 year PhD Studentship - Characterizing Machining Induced Damage in Composite Materials

University of Sheffield - Industrial Doctorate Centre in Machining Science

This 4 year PhD studentship is funded by the University of Sheffield and EPSRC. The successful candidate will join a cohort of PhD and EngD students in the IDC in Machining Science following a semi-structured programme combining technical and professional training with research. Approximately 75% of the time will be spent on the main University of Sheffield campus, the rest at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (www.amrc.co.uk) and/or other collaborators.

Start date: 31st August 2015. 

Duration: 4 years.
Supervisors: Dr Mahmoud Mostafavi (Mechanical Engineering) and Dr Kevin Kerrigan (AMRC).

Project Summary

Composite materials can suffer significantly from machining processes as simple as drilling. This is due to the release of high levels of residual stress that is locked in them during fabrication. When material removal process takes place the mechanical constraint is eliminated and misfits are released in the form of large deformations resulting in damage.

The project aim is to quantify machining induced damage in carbon fibre composites using both experimental and simulation techniques. Laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffraction along with more conventional methods such as centre hole drilling will be used to measure the residual stress field in the components before and after machining. Microstructurally faithful finite element technique (developed by collaborators at the University of Oxford) will be used to simulate the machining process. We will take advantage of X-ray computed tomography to observe machining damage in 3D and compare it with the model predictions.

You will be expected to carry out cutting-edge research, write scientific reports, journal and conference papers, attend conferences and communicate data and findings with collaborators.

Entry requirements

Applicants must have, or expect to get, a 1st or good 2:1 degree (or Masters with Merit) in a relevant science or engineering subject such as physics, mechanical engineering or materials science. You should be enthusiastic about research with an interest in technology development and innovation in manufacturing.

An ability to work with collaborators in and outside Sheffield is essential, and you must be willing to travel to and spend limited time at large research faculties such Diamond Light Source. Familiarity with carbon fibre composite materials and/or a background in X-ray diffraction and finite element analysis is desirable.

Due to EPSRC residency requirements, this project is open only to UK/EU applicants resident in the UK for at least 3 years immediately preceding the start of the course.

Enquiries and applications

See the IDC website www.sheffield.ac.uk/machining-science-idc for full details about applying for this studentship.

About the IDC in Machining Science

The IDC in Machining Science is a unique collaboration between industry, the University of Sheffield's award winning Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre www.amrc.co.uk and the Faculty of Engineering.

We are an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) offering 10 fully funded four-year PhD and EngD studentships per year.

Tax free stipend of £18,000 per year, plus tuition fees paid at UK/EU rates.

Taught elements will take place on the main University of Sheffield campus. Research will mainly take place on the main campus (75%), the rest at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (www.amrc.co.uk).
