PhD student position in solid and structural mechanics - Simulation of deterioration in different rail materials

The position will be at the Division of Material and Computational Mechanics, Department of Applied Mechanics. In the activities at the division, we focus on the mechanical modeling of structures, components and processes along with the involved materials, thereby providing mechanics-based solutions and virtual solution tools to our engineering challenges. The Division is part of the Department of Applied Mechanics, which with some 170 employees is one of the leading environments in mechanical and vehicle research. The vision of the Department is to develop sustainable technical solutions through the application of mechanical analysis. To this end, the six divisions of the Department conduct world-leading research, usually in close collaboration with national and international universities and industries.


Your project will be part of the activities in the Competence Centre CHARMEC - CHAlmers Railway MEChanics. CHARMEC is a national centre of excellence in railway mechanics established in 1995. CHARMEC is supported by Chalmers and the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) and by an Industrial Interests Group comprising ten partners. 

Position summary
You are invited to apply for a PhD student position in the project "Simulation of deterioration in different rail materials". The main objective of the project is to develop a simulation methodology and numerical tools to understand and predict the material behavior of the rail in a real (or close to real) rolling contact fatigue loading situation. Such a loading often results in material deterioration phenomena such as plasticity, wear, crack initiation and propagation. Experiments have been and will be performed in a test-rig at voestalpine Schienen GmbH that mimics the conditions under operational rail-wheel rolling contact situations. An important goal of the project is to develop a simulation methodology that is able to predict the rail material deterioration which is obtained in the test-rig. The project will build on the knowledge from several related CHARMEC projects where material models for pearlitic steel have been developed. 

To qualify as a PhD student, you must have a master's level degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education credits in a relevant field. A suitable background is a Master of Science (Swedish: civilingenjör) in mechanical engineering, engineering physics or civil engineering with emphasis on solid mechanics and computational methods (e g FEM). The position requires verbal and written communication skills in Swedish and English. If Swedish is not your native language, you should be able to teach in Swedish after two years. Chalmers offers Swedish courses. Since communication of research results is a central part of the work, communicative skills in English (oral as well as in writing) are vital. Furthermore, it will also be expected that you can take on responsibility, take own initiatives and work independently when needed. At the same time it is important that you are good at working in teams. This is especially vital since the current project will interact closely with adjacent disciplines and with industrial partners. Finally, you need to be able to disseminate results and knowledge within existing and new networks. This includes academia, industry and society at large.

For further information and how to apply, please visit:

Nr of positions available : 1

Research Fields


Career Stage

Early stage researcher or 0-4 yrs (Post graduate) 

Research Profiles

First Stage Researcher (R1) 

Application Deadline


Application website