Postdoc scholarship in fluid mechanics

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, KTH Teknikvetenskap

KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is the largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. No less than one-third of Swedens technical research and engineering education capacity at university level is provided by KTH. Education and research spans from natural sciences to all branches of engineering and includes Architecture, Industrial Management and Urban Planning. There are a total of 13,400 first and second level students and almost 1,900 doctoral students. KTH has 4,900 employees.

KTH Teknikvetenskap bedriver frontlinjeforskning inom ett brett fält, från forskning inom grundläggande ämnen som fysik och matematik, till teknisk mekanik med tillämpningar inom bland annat flygteknik och fordonsteknik. Skolan driver och utvecklar civilingenjörsutbildningarna Teknisk Fysik och Farkostteknik, liksom utbildningsprogrammet Öppen ingång. Kandidatprogrammet Simuleringsteknik och virtuell design och ett flertal masterprogram.

The institution Mechanics at KTH Engineering Sciences houses Swedens leading research environment in fluid mechanics for both basic and applied fluid dynamics research. The researchers within the department participate in several research centres at KTH, among them the Linné FLOW Centre ( ), one of twenty Centres of excellence that was chosen by the Swedish Research Council (VR) in 2006 and CCGEx (, a competence centre focused on gas exchange for internal combustion engines:

We invite applications for a postdoc scholarship dealing with the intermittent jet injection and its break-up.

Project description

A Postdoc scholarship, starting according to mutual agreement, is open for applications. The research focuses on numerical investigation of the behavior of fine solid particles and liquid aerosols exposed to acoustic fields. The manipulation of particles suspended in a fluid through the use of acoustic fields is a relatively new research area called acoustophoresis that offers great potential for a wide range of applications. The vast majority of the research effort is currently being directed towards liquid suspensions in microfluidic devices, where mature techniques in the field of life sciences are already available. Our work so far has been essentially experimental and has focused on the quantification of achievable separation efficiencies for sub-micron particles, for which effects stemming from the molecular nature of the flow around the particles are significant and the theoretical understanding of the underlying physics is incomplete. The position is for one year, with possible extension for another year.


We seek highly motivated candidates holding a PhD in area that is relevant for the project, such as engineering or applied physics, mechanical engineering, applied mathematics or related areas, as well as excellent skills in oral and written communication in English. Documented competence and skills in utilizing modern computational tools is required. Documented experience of participating in national and international projects is of advantages. Experience in gaining financial support and leading such collaborative projects and/or industrially supported projects is highly valuable.


Log into KTH's recruitment system in order to apply to this scholarship. You are the main responsible to ensure that your application is complete according to the ad. Your complete application must be received at KTH no later than the last day of application.

Please observe that you apply for a scholarship, not an employment.

The application should include the following documents in PDF format.

  • CV
  • List of publications
  • A brief research plan
  • Copies of PhD diploma and PhD thesis (if applicable)
  • Up to three letters of recommendation


We firmly decline all contact with staffing and recruitment agencies and job ad salespersons.

Type of employment: Temporary position longer than 6 months
Working hours: Full time
Salary: Scholarship
City: Stockholm
Reference number: S-2014-1508
Published: 2014-12-09
Last application date: 2015-01-01

Please state in the application that you applied via