PhD student position: Non-destructive quality assessment of polymer tube joints

Empa is the interdisciplinary research and services institution for material sciences and technology development of the ETH Domain.

Within the framework of a project supported by the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation we are offering a

PhD student position: Non-destructive quality assessment of polymer tube joints

for candidates with a Diploma or Master degree in physics, electrical or mechanical engineering.

Plastic piping systems are increasingly replacing conventional metal systems for transport of liquids and gases in industry, utilities and building technology. Today, several welding processes are available, but, compared to metals, the qualification and analysis of plastic joints is still done by destructive testing methods. The development of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) methods for the inspection of the joint quality is considered to be mandatory. Of specific interest is the detection of material internal flaws that are invisible to the eye. In this project the focus is set to the development of novel ultrasonic wave based methods. Specifically with regard to cleanroom applications the non-contact air-coupling approach will be studied. Furthermore liquid coupled phased array technology and complementary digital X-ray inspection will be assessed. The project includes numerical simulations of the propagation of ultrasonic waves, dedicated mechanical and software developments as well as advanced signal and image processing.

The position is immediately available with a planned project duration of three years in order to carry out the above research in form of a PhD thesis. The work will be performed at the Reliability Science and Technology Laboratory of Empa Dübendorf in close collaboration with the Center of X-Ray Analytics of Empa, the industrial partner Georg Fischer Piping Systems, Schaffhausen, and Prof. Chiara Daraio, Chair of Mechanics and Materials of ETH Zurich, acting as principal supervisor of the thesis.

For further information please contact Dr. Urs Sennhauser, Head of Reliability Science and Technology Laboratory, urs.sennhauser<στο>

We are looking forward to receiving your online application including a motivation letter, CV, documents and references.

Please submit your application online and upload all documents (“pdf”-file is recommended) through this webpage. Any other way of applying will not be considered.

Patricia Nitzsche
Human Resources
Ueberlandstrasse 129
8600 Dübendorf

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