Group Manager - Modelling and Mechanical Characterization of Microelectronic Systems


The Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM is one of the 67 different research institutes of the German Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest organization for applied research in Europe.

Within our department “Components in microelectronics and microsystems technology” located in IWM’s Halle branchlab we are currently offering a position as group manager for our group “Modelling and mechanical characterization of microelectronic systems”. The successful applicant will be leading the team and will be conducting research on material and reliability computational modelling, experimental materials testing, and predictive simulation of the thermal, deformation, strength and lifetime behavior of micro- and power electronics as well as MEMS components. Working in close collaboration with external partners and with industry, our research is focused on providing innovative solutions to secure optimum application of innovative electronics systems, many of them to be applied within the rapidly expanding and reliability-challenging automotive sector.

What do we expect you to do? 

  • To take over leadership for a group of about six to ten researchers (engineering scientists, technicians); 
  • Scientific guidance and project management for research related to mechanical, thermal and thermomechanical problems regarding application behavior and reliability in semiconductor technologies, in microelectronics packaging, in power electronics and in MEMS; 
  • To take over responsibility for acquisition, coordination and professional supervision of third-party funded projects with industry and the public sector according to the policy of the Fraunhofer society; 
  • To develop and expand competences in micromechanical testing, thermophysical material characterization, to improve and implement innovative material, failure and life time models, to apply computational models for numerical simulation of the application behavior; 
  • To represent the institute within the respective scientific community, to create and expand networking with industrial partners, leading research institutions and funding authorities; 
  • To mentor and supervise Master and PhD-students.

What do we offer?

  • Working in a cutting-edge applied research environment in close collaboration with semiconductor industry; 
  • Interesting, challenging and varying different research topics related to current and new electronic applications and their material and reliability properties; 
  • Excellent experimental facilities, professional computational modelling and simulation environment; 
  • Personal development and supportive education opportunities; 
  • Team working atmosphere, close collaboration with other groups.

To submit your application for this position, please click on the "APPLY" button.


The successful candidate should have:

  • Completed a PhD in material sciences, mechanical engineering, computational physics or another area relevant to the research field; and/or proven expertise in industrial research in microelectronics; 
  • Professional experience (experience in acquisition and management of funded projects or experience in working in an industrial environment would also be very desirable); 
  • A personal interest in applied research and in working with industry; 
  • Personal competences in the application of modelling and simulation methods; broad experiences with Finite Element modelling tools such as ANSYS, ABAQUS or others; 
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills (in English and/or German), the ability to lead a team and to negotiate with partners

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